IPO Prediction - Honors Petition


Sam McDowell


December 9, 2024

IPO Prediction

Honors Petition Project

Liberty University - School of Business


This study investigates the prediction of the stock price of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) shortly after its listing by grouping similar IPOs based on financial data and using time series forecasting techniques. The research utilizes data compiled from IPO Scoop and Yahoo Finance, before applying K-Means clustering based on financial information, industry and time of IPO. A Vector Autoregression (VAR) model is then used to forecast stock performance within each group. Despite the clustering technique used, the results showed that financial data alone did not group IPOs with similar stock market reactions. Additionally, issues with stationarity, autocorrelation and causality in the stock data limited the predictive performance of the VAR model. Future research opportunities include expanding the amount of data observed, exploring advanced stationarizing methods, and investigating alternative machine learning models for improved IPO prediction accuracy.


The stock market is an amazing resource for those wishing to make money. In fact, as much as $300 billion changes hands on the stock market every day (nasdaqtrader.com). With the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence, much research has been done to predict these markets. Someone in possession of an accurate prediction method could make untold amounts of money by knowing when to buy and sell. There are approximately 8,000 stocks eligible for trading in the US stock market (NYSE). Before a stock can be publically traded on the stock market, it must go through a process called an Initial Public Offering, or IPO (Fernando, 2024). The time when a company first releases shares to the public is a time of extreme volatility and therefore a time when large profit can be made. This study attempts to predict the stock performance of an IPO by grouping it with similar IPOs and performing a forecast.

This study collects datasets of IPO financials and stock data. The data is then clustered and grouped for analysis. A multivariate autoregressive model is used to make predictions on the stocks in a group based on the time series of their prices. The results and implications will be fully explored.


To begin, data was collected for the grouping and forecasting. The first dataset is from IPO Scoop. It includes a company name, the company’s symbol, the industry that company is in, the date that stock was first offered publicly, the number of shares offered, how much it cost when it was offered, the market cap of the company, its revenue and its net income. Each of those data points were standardized using Scikit-Learn’s Standard Scaler, which transforms the data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 (scikit-learn.org, 2024, StandardScaler).

A second dataset was collected through Yahoo Finance. This data consisted of the first 60 day candles of the IPO’s public response. This data included the open, high, low and close price, as well as the volume of shares traded on that day.

Once those datasets were collected, the grouping of similar stocks was performed. The primary method of grouping IPOs together for this study was K-Means clustering. This was done using the financial information dataset. The data was clustered into two groups. The data was again grouped by industry where all those stocks from the same industry were put in a group. It was also grouped by month of IPO, where all stocks that launched in the same month were put in a group.

Finally, time series analysis was performed to make a forecast from the stock data of the stocks in a given group. This was done using Vector Autoregression (or VAR). The first 55 days of stock performance for a group of stocks were used to fit a VAR model. Day 60 was the target for prediction. This was tested on the clusters created by K-Means Clustering, the groups created by industry and the groups created by month of IPO.


When the data was clustered there were a lot of outliers when visualizing them based on two principal components. The first principal component was primarily based on the number of shares of the company. The second was based on the remaining data points with a roughly even split.

from analysis.clustering_util import *

x, _ = getData()
x, pca = addPCA(x)

for i in range(len(pca.components_)):
    print(f"Component {i+1}", pca.components_[i])
    print("\tExplained Variance:", pca.explained_variance_ratio_[i])

# plot the ipos
plt.scatter(x['pc1'], x['pc2'], cmap='viridis')
plt.title('Visualize IPOs')
plt.xlabel('PC 1')
plt.ylabel('PC 2')
Component 1 [0.99783894 0.03052901 0.04543049 0.02070526 0.02987977]
    Explained Variance: 0.9841593409460709
Component 2 [-0.06407769  0.53952155  0.52025562  0.31929104  0.57636609]
    Explained Variance: 0.008320573663589195

These outliers were removed by dropping IPOs that were farther from the mean of the principal components. This allowed for a much tighter grouping.

from analysis.clustering_util import *

x, _ = getData()
x, _ = addPCA(x)
x = removeOutliers(x)

# Add plot the ipos
plt.scatter(x['pc1'], x['pc2'], cmap='viridis')
plt.title('Visualize IPOs w/o Outliers')
plt.xlabel('PC 1')
plt.ylabel('PC 2')

Once the outliers were removed it was necessary to determine how many clusters the K-Means algorithm should create. The K-Means algorithm requires a set number of groups before performing a clustering (scikit-learn, 2019, K-Means). An elbow plot was created, and it was shown that the ideal number of clusters was 2. Then the K-Means algorithm was run and the two clusters were created.

from analysis.clustering_util import *

x, _ = getData()
x, _ = addPCA(x)
x = removeOutliers(x)

# Calculate WCSS for different number of clusters
wcss = []
for i in range(1, 16):
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=i, random_state=42)

# show the elbow plot
plt.plot(range(1, 16), wcss, marker='o')
plt.title('Elbow Method')
plt.xlabel('Number of Clusters')
plt.ylabel('Within-Cluster Sum of Squares (WCSS)')

from analysis.clustering_util import *

x, s = getData(includeClusters=False)
x, pca = addPCA(x)
x["symbol"] = s
x = removeOutliers(x)
y = x[["pc1", "pc2", "symbol"]]
x.drop(columns=["pc1", "pc2", "symbol"], inplace=True)

# Create KMeans instance with 2 clusters
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2)

# Get the cluster labels
centroids = pca.transform(kmeans.cluster_centers_) # scale to same as components
x['Cluster'] = kmeans.labels_
for c in y.columns:
    x[c] = y[c]

old, s = getData(includeClusters=True)
old["symbol"] = s
old = old[old["symbol"].isin(x['symbol'])]
x["Industry_Cluster"] = old["Industry_Cluster"]
x["Month_Cluster"] = old["Month_Cluster"]

# Plot the centroids
plt.scatter(x['pc1'], x['pc2'], c=x['Cluster'], cmap='viridis')
plt.scatter(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], s=100, c='red', marker='X')
plt.title('K-means Clustering')
plt.xlabel('PC 1')
plt.ylabel('PC 2')

The groups from the clustered data were log transformed and tested for stationarity using the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and the KPSS test. The data is also tested for autocorrelation using the Durbin-Watson test and for causality with the Granger Causality test.

Show Results of Stationarity and Correlation Tests
from prediction.prediction_util import *

stocks = pd.read_csv("data-collection/stocks.csv", header=[0,1], index_col=[0])
ipos = pd.read_csv("analysis/clustered.csv")

group1 = ipos[ipos["Cluster"] == 1]

close = stocks.xs('Close', axis=1, level=1)
close.index = stocks.index

g1StockData = getGroupClosingPrices(group1, close)

for c in g1StockData.columns:
    # p = PowerTransformer(method='box-cox')
    # g1StockData[c] = p.fit_transform(g1StockData[[c]])
    # lambdas[c] = p

    g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].apply(lambda x: np.log(x) if x != 0 else 0)
    # g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].diff()
    # g1StockData[c].dropna(inplace=True)

    ts, p, lags = adf_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
    tsK, pK, lagsK = kpss_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
    db = durbinWatson_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())

    print(f"Test Statistic:  ADF: {round(ts, 5)}\t KPSS: {round(tsK, 5)}")
    print(f"P-Value:         ADF: {round(p, 5)}\t KPSS: {round(pK, 5)}")
    print("DurbinWatson: %.5f" % db)
    others = [x for x in g1StockData.columns if x != c]
    gc = {}
    print("Granger Causality Tests")
    for x in others:
        gc[x] = min(granger_test(g1StockData[c], g1StockData[x]).values())
        print(x, gc[x])
    if p > 0.05 and pK < 0.05:
        g1StockData.drop(columns=c, inplace=True)
Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.87106   KPSS: 0.1238
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00035    KPSS: 0.0911
DurbinWatson: 2.60440
Granger Causality Tests
PCSC 0.018398930051991544
RAPP 0.008267953926903267
BOW 0.05741566079961837
SVCO 0.0121665509297127
SERV 2.569131905239486e-10
CTNM 0.02967932533155508
BOLD 0.18356175675065428
MGX 0.06379038435606435
ANRO 0.20632205725568947
GUTS 0.0878093488952149
AVBP 0.004055205046340644
PSBD 0.3979728065556022

Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.62428   KPSS: 0.1262
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00094    KPSS: 0.08668
DurbinWatson: 2.38954
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.7253002930981398
RAPP 0.43459609424848644
BOW 0.359057709271086
SVCO 0.040303422753851424
SERV 0.41501878912969214
CTNM 0.7253418581320649
BOLD 0.2663773523258561
MGX 0.03906736884873641
ANRO 0.0014636482375851685
GUTS 0.16652633698950112
AVBP 0.1503057139056179
PSBD 0.13942511575564365

Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.32761   KPSS: 0.09268
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00285    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.49984
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.1491025289315778
PCSC 0.24683257178984666
BOW 0.0015308497938752474
SVCO 0.271968704424047
SERV 2.964543549643123e-06
CTNM 0.32712422924875234
BOLD 0.3800796264120684
MGX 0.07417145017904349
ANRO 0.061289219354879194
GUTS 0.6670089867081552
AVBP 0.1567205804916075
PSBD 0.2699846396119399

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.50887   KPSS: 0.09492
P-Value:         ADF: 0.03845    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.99343
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.08187624065376915
PCSC 0.07820943168985632
RAPP 0.0015354569942819976
SVCO 0.10987423303731886
SERV 0.00841786882017044
CTNM 0.27012954328021144
BOLD 0.4872434826867401
MGX 0.008223209264913298
ANRO 0.13760515087361985
GUTS 0.44831944555222236
AVBP 0.07073941992246385
PSBD 0.5639070614036178

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.11824   KPSS: 0.09272
P-Value:         ADF: 0.53587    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.23338
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.06902017530568726
PCSC 0.1567415593481579
RAPP 0.44857759326255353
BOW 0.10823394282139179
SERV 0.8051005120915178
CTNM 0.10307672725747383
BOLD 0.22386537760437183
MGX 0.332347794853642
ANRO 0.2099719303448638
GUTS 0.2988377874132186
AVBP 0.04336817680056798
PSBD 0.2892461037832255

Test Statistic:  ADF: -8.96804   KPSS: 0.11209
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.11358
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.06462052848771162
PCSC 0.1892794558040669
RAPP 8.896077916219496e-05
BOW 0.0027888334075957142
SVCO 0.42176447390128335
CTNM 0.20765494226960765
BOLD 0.6789097631385217
MGX 0.01939890198032806
ANRO 0.15884854366484147
GUTS 0.07064977547159591
AVBP 0.0037905861095408554
PSBD 0.44058983289404186

Test Statistic:  ADF: 0.80003    KPSS: 0.15447
P-Value:         ADF: 1.0    KPSS: 0.04294
DurbinWatson: 2.20008
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.058906305734582824
PCSC 0.021638659116818077
RAPP 0.30008368477227115
BOW 0.15410656418381666
SVCO 0.005122683164076716
SERV 0.05881123113837669
BOLD 0.012558127613428166
MGX 0.33044012194744693
ANRO 0.2936603137581739
GUTS 0.5360551466000933
AVBP 0.027862877896793453
PSBD 0.23607031550233595

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.4041    KPSS: 0.11033
P-Value:         ADF: 0.8597     KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.82203
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.04356706658795905
PCSC 0.03775419194608621
RAPP 0.053533023327477704
BOW 0.019801000619290934
SVCO 0.005790308756127357
SERV 0.03134746227526417
MGX 0.16734535491985691
ANRO 0.4886258573085557
GUTS 0.617136139698123
AVBP 0.008347740411823654
PSBD 0.1930252113473966

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.82966   KPSS: 0.16411
P-Value:         ADF: 0.18626    KPSS: 0.0349
DurbinWatson: 2.03101
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.000663349102709499
PCSC 0.04670514351062663
RAPP 0.1651709562152099
BOW 0.01778559410392999
SVCO 0.02357217844753844
SERV 0.0005631330697704794
BOLD 0.03285320346685174
ANRO 0.538488128707094
GUTS 0.07606586130611459
AVBP 0.049464801975924136
PSBD 0.4081812810686565

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.01873   KPSS: 0.09723
P-Value:         ADF: 0.12692    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.78261
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.11201327208601963
PCSC 0.0458022369186799
RAPP 0.3472755559698738
BOW 0.1348123730957287
SVCO 0.08796906843321683
SERV 0.2852377036252603
BOLD 0.29966270734746264
GUTS 0.06029185132202115
AVBP 0.03646614043962709
PSBD 0.19640297548897914

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.45481   KPSS: 0.08782
P-Value:         ADF: 0.04448    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.66913
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.023061061783352637
PCSC 0.007030840590820504
RAPP 0.00027722097377959364
BOW 0.03619210221331742
SVCO 0.19619121305951717
SERV 0.0037801175651760812
BOLD 0.4186587552080332
ANRO 0.09487739164133752
AVBP 0.00030409943489079894
PSBD 0.26722969222751713

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.65177   KPSS: 0.13849
P-Value:         ADF: 0.02574    KPSS: 0.0639
DurbinWatson: 2.48813
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.018154827029324288
PCSC 0.241929250177746
RAPP 0.004680924445177441
BOW 0.04886560649480386
SVCO 0.26927624224636953
SERV 2.492120189140341e-07
BOLD 0.07605732902465005
ANRO 0.8189941911585441
GUTS 0.28126009001128
PSBD 0.5325622151333134

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.62758   KPSS: 0.08807
P-Value:         ADF: 0.02759    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.55556
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.28346592934572545
PCSC 0.2525818375421246
RAPP 0.4643586566096587
BOW 0.2727132098706565
SVCO 0.027263023113685864
SERV 0.17495528105213884
BOLD 0.1688591650549159
ANRO 0.3709951453581626
GUTS 0.22173312173355147
AVBP 0.16875412103652332
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4.8))
for c in g1StockData.columns:
    plt.plot(g1StockData.index, g1StockData[c].apply(lambda x: np.exp(x) if x != 0 else 0), label=c)

Once the clusters were created, the stocks from that cluster were given to the VAR model. The small cluster was analyzed.

from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import ValueWarning

from prediction.prediction_util import *
from statsmodels.tsa.api import VAR
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ValueWarning)

stocks = pd.read_csv("data-collection/stocks.csv", header=[0,1], index_col=[0])
ipos = pd.read_csv("analysis/clustered.csv")

group1 = ipos[ipos["Cluster"] == 1]

close = stocks.xs('Close', axis=1, level=1)
close.index = stocks.index

g1StockData = getGroupClosingPrices(group1, close)

for c in g1StockData.columns:
    # p = PowerTransformer(method='box-cox')
    # g1StockData[c] = p.fit_transform(g1StockData[[c]])
    # lambdas[c] = p

    g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].apply(lambda x: np.log(x) if x != 0 else 0)
    # g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].diff()
    # g1StockData[c].dropna(inplace=True)

    ts, p, lags = adf_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
    tsK, pK, lagsK = kpss_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
    db = durbinWatson_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
    if p > 0.05 and pK < 0.05:
        g1StockData.drop(columns=c, inplace=True)

date_labels = pd.date_range(start='2024-01-01', periods=60, freq='D')
g1StockData["date"] = date_labels
g1StockData.set_index("date", inplace=True)

model = VAR(g1StockData.iloc[:-5])
results = model.fit(maxlags=1, ic='aic')

lag_order = results.k_ar
forecast_input = g1StockData.values[-(lag_order):]
forecast = results.forecast(y=forecast_input, steps=5)
forecast_df = pd.DataFrame(forecast, index=[f"Day {i}" for i in range(56, 61)], columns=g1StockData.columns)
g1StockData.index = [f"Day {i}" for i in range(1, 61)]

for c in forecast_df.columns:
    g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].apply(lambda x: np.exp(x) if x != 0 else 0)
    forecast_df[c] = forecast_df[c].apply(lambda x: np.exp(x) if x != 0 else 0)

plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4.8))
for i, c in enumerate(g1StockData.columns):
    plt.plot(g1StockData.iloc[:-5].index, g1StockData[c].iloc[:-5], label=c)
for i, c in enumerate(g1StockData.columns):
    plt.plot(forecast_df.index, list(forecast_df.iloc[:, i]), color=plt.gca().lines[i].get_color(), label=None)

plt.legend(loc='upper left')

correct = g1StockData.iloc[-1]
pred = forecast_df.iloc[-1]
prev = g1StockData.iloc[-2]
error = abs(correct - pred)
errorPct = error / correct * 100
results = pd.DataFrame({"correct":correct, "pred":pred, "prev":prev, "errorPct":errorPct, "error":error})

# Calculate MAE
mae = mean_absolute_error(results['correct'], results['pred'])
print('Mean Absolute Error:', mae)

# Calculate MSE
mse = mean_squared_error(results['correct'], results['pred'])
print('Mean Squared Error:', mse)

count = 0
errorPct = []
for i in range(len(correct)):
    if correct.iloc[i] < prev.iloc[i] and pred.iloc[i] < prev.iloc[i]:
        count += 1
    if correct.iloc[i] > prev.iloc[i] and pred.iloc[i] > prev.iloc[i]:
        count += 1
    errorPct.append(abs(correct.iloc[i] - pred.iloc[i]) / correct.iloc[i] * 100)
print("Percent Directionally Correct:", count / len(correct), f"({count}/{len(correct)})")
print("MAE of Percent Error:", sum(results["errorPct"]) / len(results))

        correct       pred       prev   errorPct     error
CEP   10.070000  10.052977  10.070000   0.169043  0.017023
PCSC  10.050000  10.087239  10.050000   0.370537  0.037239
RAPP  20.240000  19.579422  21.750000   3.263726  0.660578
BOW   27.840000  27.296792  26.950001   1.951178  0.543208
SVCO  16.180000  17.306084  15.880000   6.959726  1.126084
SERV   2.800000   1.797361   2.880000  35.808534  1.002639
BOLD   5.410000   7.359080   4.770000  36.027351  1.949080
ANRO  15.560000  15.782397  14.180000   1.429287  0.222397
GUTS   6.980000   7.280076   6.700000   4.299082  0.300076
AVBP  15.900000  15.026402  15.500000   5.494325  0.873598
PSBD  16.110001  16.617865  16.290001   3.152482  0.507865
Mean Absolute Error: 0.6581623048931214
Mean Squared Error: 0.7241801019328876
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.6363636363636364 (7/11)
MAE of Percent Error: 8.993206453218596

Then the clusters were analyzed by industry group.

Show results of Industry Group Tests
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import ValueWarning

from prediction.prediction_util import *
from statsmodels.tsa.api import VAR
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ValueWarning)

stocks = pd.read_csv("data-collection/stocks.csv", header=[0,1], index_col=[0])
ipos = pd.read_csv("analysis/clustered.csv")

industriesLabels = [
    "Basic Materials",
    "Blank Check",
    "Consumer Goods",
    "Consumer Services",
    "Health Care",
    "Oil and Gas",

for INUM, ILABEL in enumerate(industriesLabels):
    if INUM != 0:
    print("INDUSTRY:", ILABEL)

    group1 = ipos[ipos["Industry_Cluster"] == INUM]

    close = stocks.xs('Close', axis=1, level=1)
    close.index = stocks.index

    g1StockData = getGroupClosingPrices(group1, close)

    for c in g1StockData.columns:

        g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].apply(lambda x: np.log(x) if x != 0 else 0)

        ts, p, lags = adf_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
        tsK, pK, lagsK = kpss_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
        db = durbinWatson_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
        print(f"Test Statistic:  ADF: {round(ts, 5)}\t KPSS: {round(tsK, 5)}")
        print(f"P-Value:         ADF: {round(p, 5)}\t KPSS: {round(pK, 5)}")
        print("DurbinWatson: %.5f" % db)
        others = [x for x in g1StockData.columns if x != c]
        gc = {}
        print("Granger Causality Tests")
        for x in others:
            gc[x] = min(granger_test(g1StockData[c], g1StockData[x]).values())
            print(x, gc[x])
        if p > 0.05 and pK < 0.05:
            g1StockData.drop(columns=c, inplace=True)

    if len(g1StockData.columns) < 2:
        print("Insufficient number of symbols after preprocessing")
    g1StockData = g1StockData.iloc[:, 0:15]
    date_labels = pd.date_range(start='2024-01-01', periods=60, freq='D')
    g1StockData["date"] = date_labels
    g1StockData.set_index("date", inplace=True)

    model = VAR(g1StockData.iloc[:-5])
    results = model.fit(maxlags=1, ic='aic')

    lag_order = results.k_ar
    forecast_input = g1StockData.values[-(lag_order):]
    forecast = results.forecast(y=forecast_input, steps=5)
    forecast_df = pd.DataFrame(forecast, index=[f"Day {i}" for i in range(56, 61)], columns=g1StockData.columns)
    g1StockData.index = [f"Day {i}" for i in range(1, 61)]

    for c in forecast_df.columns:
        g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].apply(lambda x: np.exp(x) if x != 0 else 0)
        forecast_df[c] = forecast_df[c].apply(lambda x: np.exp(x) if x != 0 else 0)

    plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4.8))
    for i, c in enumerate(g1StockData.columns):
        plt.plot(g1StockData.iloc[:-5].index, g1StockData[c].iloc[:-5], label=c)
    for i, c in enumerate(g1StockData.columns):
        plt.plot(forecast_df.index, list(forecast_df.iloc[:, i]), color=plt.gca().lines[i].get_color(), label=None)

    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    g1StockData.replace([0], 0.001, inplace=True)

    correct = g1StockData.iloc[-1]
    pred = forecast_df.iloc[-1]
    prev = g1StockData.iloc[-2]
    error = abs(correct - pred)
    errorPct = error / correct * 100
    results = pd.DataFrame({"correct":correct, "pred":pred, "prev":prev, "errorPct":errorPct, "error":error})
    results.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 100, inplace=True)

    # Calculate MAE
    mae = mean_absolute_error(results['correct'], results['pred'])
    print('Mean Absolute Error:', mae)

    # Calculate MSE
    mse = mean_squared_error(results['correct'], results['pred'])
    print('Mean Squared Error:', mse)

    count = 0
    errorPct = []
    for i in range(len(correct)):
        if correct.iloc[i] < prev.iloc[i] and pred.iloc[i] < prev.iloc[i]:
            count += 1
        if correct.iloc[i] > prev.iloc[i] and pred.iloc[i] > prev.iloc[i]:
            count += 1
        errorPct.append(abs(correct.iloc[i] - pred.iloc[i]) / correct.iloc[i] * 100)
    print("Percent Directionally Correct:", count / len(correct), f"({count}/{len(correct)})")
    print("MAE of Percent Error:", sum(results["errorPct"]) / len(results))
INDUSTRY: Basic Materials
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.26919   KPSS: 0.11052
P-Value:         ADF: 0.89534    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.94677
Granger Causality Tests

Insufficient number of symbols after preprocessing

INDUSTRY: Blank Check
Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.87106   KPSS: 0.1238
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00035    KPSS: 0.0911
DurbinWatson: 2.60440
Granger Causality Tests
PCSC 0.018398930051991544

Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.62428   KPSS: 0.1262
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00094    KPSS: 0.08668
DurbinWatson: 2.38954
Granger Causality Tests
CEP 0.7253002930981398

      correct       pred   prev  errorPct     error
CEP     10.07  10.042405  10.07  0.274024  0.027594
PCSC    10.05  10.067043  10.05  0.169584  0.017043
Mean Absolute Error: 0.02231873080203428
Mean Squared Error: 0.0005259568404847629
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.0 (0/2)
MAE of Percent Error: 0.22180426492823258

INDUSTRY: Consumer Goods
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.28919   KPSS: 0.11491
P-Value:         ADF: 0.43994    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.91186
Granger Causality Tests
SOWG 0.004003475237870572
TWG 0.020365358445125735
SMXT 0.013377846185227816

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.55781   KPSS: 0.15682
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0336     KPSS: 0.04098
DurbinWatson: 2.43214
Granger Causality Tests
RAY 0.4316359253342723
TWG 0.04146568996712947
SMXT 0.16901595863786065

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.82923   KPSS: 0.13148
P-Value:         ADF: 0.18642    KPSS: 0.07689
DurbinWatson: 2.11375
Granger Causality Tests
RAY 0.06546057972842291
SOWG 0.39078103822872623
SMXT 0.11521212541109388

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.55973   KPSS: 0.1097
P-Value:         ADF: 0.29877    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.67778
Granger Causality Tests
RAY 0.2682625693186744
SOWG 0.12048535035184825
TWG 0.08016804138302787

      correct       pred    prev   errorPct     error
RAY      2.50   3.431852   2.810  37.274091  0.931852
SOWG    10.05   8.411556   9.500  16.302924  1.638444
TWG      0.78   0.780586   0.834   0.075153  0.000586
SMXT    13.07  13.201538  12.570   1.006417  0.131539
Mean Absolute Error: 0.6756052670864232
Mean Squared Error: 0.8925374329244472
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.5 (2/4)
MAE of Percent Error: 13.664646286079725

INDUSTRY: Consumer Services
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.29635   KPSS: 0.16328
P-Value:         ADF: 0.43597    KPSS: 0.0356
DurbinWatson: 1.12856
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.09937659474591048
QMMM 0.3352194983661654
JDZG 0.03504951472137446
SERV 0.4677169406154553
JUNE 0.1005614834228527
MMA 0.22687343611730698
INTJ 0.23235007759795726
HAO 0.4710785057521988

Test Statistic:  ADF: -6.15742   KPSS: 0.15337
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0    KPSS: 0.04386
DurbinWatson: 1.84246
Granger Causality Tests
QMMM 0.3855373175146004
JDZG 0.00013485828216075612
SERV 1.041218800971101e-05
JUNE 0.2263764759132391
MMA 0.010184965434085516
INTJ 0.001257680146827705
HAO 1.8885212438398537e-05

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.91843   KPSS: 0.06643
P-Value:         ADF: 0.15633    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.21855
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.06401927026276631
JDZG 0.41884232209928685
SERV 2.8107159652094402e-14
JUNE 0.06237769669556758
MMA 0.3883500872333052
INTJ 9.049872659965943e-07
HAO 0.036994470965221814

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.64356   KPSS: 0.13159
P-Value:         ADF: 0.77491    KPSS: 0.07669
DurbinWatson: 1.55328
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.00014661831118963637
QMMM 0.14391984377263076
SERV 2.936802600630538e-07
JUNE 0.8129768989869852
MMA 0.42107217681889264
INTJ 2.3503820000387716e-05
HAO 0.05814205386183099

Test Statistic:  ADF: -8.96804   KPSS: 0.11209
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.11358
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 5.51449930148218e-10
QMMM 0.23841911591839643
JDZG 0.021775653997186152
JUNE 0.3471778122384291
MMA 0.04701771766521742
INTJ 0.0034737010362503457
HAO 3.6975213577718427e-09

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.52329   KPSS: 0.1008
P-Value:         ADF: 0.82103    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.10745
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.02726820614945278
QMMM 0.32970396721682604
JDZG 0.8518363459467659
SERV 0.061715937499103965
MMA 0.7555089726453941
INTJ 0.22618325441297654
HAO 0.10564186968119128

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.67616   KPSS: 0.10545
P-Value:         ADF: 0.76121    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.93570
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.3372463595330978
QMMM 0.4387950595498389
JDZG 0.12770526703908516
SERV 0.13923128240592125
JUNE 0.026669209651803093
INTJ 0.1839498209592607
HAO 0.7319759479420965

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.66739   KPSS: 0.14197
P-Value:         ADF: 0.76495    KPSS: 0.05746
DurbinWatson: 1.66931
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 3.1250771624089655e-07
QMMM 0.05215907314044164
JDZG 0.03504186290050869
SERV 7.54876735519491e-08
JUNE 0.3999907115142487
MMA 0.2680120081657049
HAO 0.0010711534500887072

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.47495   KPSS: 0.14992
P-Value:         ADF: 0.04215    KPSS: 0.04673
DurbinWatson: 2.20710
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.17841022509524077
QMMM 0.004486634916481712
JDZG 0.4681504690892284
SERV 9.403330361300152e-05
JUNE 0.16798835584094057
MMA 0.024312381639943294
INTJ 0.11577411864327523

      correct      pred   prev   errorPct     error
NIPG    7.100  6.771338  7.120   4.629040  0.328662
QMMM    7.700  5.769832  7.710  25.067121  1.930168
JDZG    0.557  0.217923  0.509  60.875620  0.339077
SERV    2.800  3.316785  2.880  18.456618  0.516785
JUNE    5.400  4.531574  5.420  16.081960  0.868426
MMA     3.005  2.861430  2.640   4.777719  0.143570
INTJ    1.070  1.037296  1.045   3.056430  0.032704
HAO     4.830  5.789296  4.730  19.861210  0.959296
Mean Absolute Error: 0.6398361411622082
Mean Squared Error: 0.7389629538463508
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.625 (5/8)
MAE of Percent Error: 19.100714696472554

INDUSTRY: Financials
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.50887   KPSS: 0.09492
P-Value:         ADF: 0.03845    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.99343
Granger Causality Tests
MFI 0.0006123916740149802
ZBAO 0.015893852393780633
PSBD 0.5639070614036178

Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.16844   KPSS: 0.1375
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00499    KPSS: 0.06575
DurbinWatson: 1.84989
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.09021573559171367
ZBAO 0.15751345731870797
PSBD 0.26317627662405996

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.81297   KPSS: 0.09004
P-Value:         ADF: 0.01592    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.41288
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.028073586221873136
MFI 2.2136697607835255e-06
PSBD 0.11417023412210545

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.62758   KPSS: 0.08807
P-Value:         ADF: 0.02759    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.55556
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.2727132098706565
MFI 0.056308956940559464
ZBAO 0.05753742245020424

        correct       pred       prev  errorPct     error
BOW   27.840000  26.747875  26.950001  3.922862  1.092125
MFI    0.930000   0.978036   0.920000  5.165205  0.048036
ZBAO   4.020000   3.983386   4.000000  0.910787  0.036614
PSBD  16.110001  16.276715  16.290001  1.034851  0.166714
Mean Absolute Error: 0.3358723207067936
Mean Squared Error: 0.3060445909142488
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.5 (2/4)
MAE of Percent Error: 2.7584262162690028

INDUSTRY: Health Care
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.38988   KPSS: 0.1181
P-Value:         ADF: 0.38501    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.40971
Granger Causality Tests
WOK 0.03925440460116921
ACTU 0.04817216993701838
OSTX 0.3168410192435049
RAPP 0.2443316824186286
MNDR 0.018701609386522877
CTNM 0.34629196037876314
BOLD 0.9332282232048003
CHRO 0.7294154259576592
MGX 0.450911609636071
TELO 0.011635544583824528
ANRO 0.20235569157464986
GUTS 0.04649609543202402
AVBP 0.5447363367377756

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.1711    KPSS: 0.08327
P-Value:         ADF: 0.09031    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.68385
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.1773333135366465
ACTU 0.6041157543636733
OSTX 0.0013611297785319214
RAPP 0.01691810761529969
MNDR 0.3066061912939472
CTNM 0.08456643863773342
BOLD 0.43817378270742113
CHRO 0.6495169763333235
MGX 0.058817511845946746
TELO 0.19075221994408403
ANRO 0.029513246963264256
GUTS 0.009501959230290482
AVBP 0.0008590938054373965

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.65286   KPSS: 0.1472
P-Value:         ADF: 0.77105    KPSS: 0.049
DurbinWatson: 1.97261
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.4689878812572936
WOK 0.4475126653341218
OSTX 0.40953042181078797
RAPP 0.34615448437670515
MNDR 0.27859215933155684
CTNM 0.05517738650591184
BOLD 0.3752884325398882
CHRO 0.08370272817818714
MGX 0.03478894974817563
TELO 0.048687534839723726
ANRO 0.20868895045907387
GUTS 0.4398245685419421
AVBP 0.25653190677406396

Test Statistic:  ADF: -5.30766   KPSS: 0.12754
P-Value:         ADF: 5e-05  KPSS: 0.08419
DurbinWatson: 2.52329
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.08670173489073135
WOK 3.5558081754724864e-05
RAPP 0.09411549026685269
MNDR 0.08086049981185905
CTNM 0.1335345783602022
BOLD 0.0734004391540846
CHRO 0.09912955527860841
MGX 0.3025603277870605
TELO 1.823826210364999e-05
ANRO 0.047770652061806765
GUTS 0.1148925435597243
AVBP 0.15925602262328564

Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.32761   KPSS: 0.09268
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00285    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.49984
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.31925388333311217
WOK 0.05030422311630279
OSTX 0.01315570063540572
MNDR 0.4615246820084944
CTNM 0.32712422924875234
BOLD 0.3800796264120684
CHRO 0.03086116996466852
MGX 0.07417145017904349
TELO 0.005447000256884548
ANRO 0.061289219354879194
GUTS 0.6670089867081552
AVBP 0.1567205804916075

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.78656   KPSS: 0.12236
P-Value:         ADF: 0.7112     KPSS: 0.09377
DurbinWatson: 1.65656
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.00155132590603432
WOK 0.09383514065508267
OSTX 0.021769795634795457
RAPP 0.0853641498025109
CTNM 0.2255899647641915
BOLD 0.09530456801392585
CHRO 0.12066067130130244
MGX 0.06916444774401938
TELO 0.0017068898758831551
ANRO 0.7842594935548879
GUTS 0.033690337834062334
AVBP 0.0970837768901507

Test Statistic:  ADF: 0.80003    KPSS: 0.15447
P-Value:         ADF: 1.0    KPSS: 0.04294
DurbinWatson: 2.20008
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.5176870133266338
WOK 0.22980467298487642
OSTX 0.09299537185905524
RAPP 0.30008368477227115
MNDR 0.5435598237394004
BOLD 0.012558127613428166
CHRO 0.014198802496928373
MGX 0.33044012194744693
TELO 0.23888605914525465
ANRO 0.2936603137581739
GUTS 0.5360551466000933
AVBP 0.027862877896793453

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.4041    KPSS: 0.11033
P-Value:         ADF: 0.8597     KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.82203
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.1330422530241329
WOK 0.3658104545576338
OSTX 0.03924332768724342
RAPP 0.053533023327477704
MNDR 0.08252087884492341
CHRO 0.017916047321073807
MGX 0.16734535491985691
TELO 0.031521400798753346
ANRO 0.4886258573085557
GUTS 0.617136139698123
AVBP 0.008347740411823654

Test Statistic:  ADF: 0.15177    KPSS: 0.12969
P-Value:         ADF: 0.99548    KPSS: 0.0802
DurbinWatson: 2.45193
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.42073750778835417
WOK 0.010438850155855389
OSTX 0.0013282512323216662
RAPP 0.0042173882603049745
MNDR 0.1381612726714818
BOLD 0.1317981819411139
MGX 0.0003487896552253313
TELO 0.08368546680068249
ANRO 0.4849116410273071
GUTS 0.06243999535864143
AVBP 0.00724578347857157

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.82966   KPSS: 0.16411
P-Value:         ADF: 0.18626    KPSS: 0.0349
DurbinWatson: 2.03101
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.6176401626318846
WOK 0.1542496657336586
OSTX 0.002277659185575523
RAPP 0.1651709562152099
MNDR 0.7880766070287822
BOLD 0.03285320346685174
CHRO 0.023501321034687772
TELO 0.09315438398963363
ANRO 0.538488128707094
GUTS 0.07606586130611459
AVBP 0.049464801975924136

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.54951   KPSS: 0.08701
P-Value:         ADF: 0.03438    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.23094
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.05343887553639619
WOK 0.014987537778216091
OSTX 0.007603183286227554
RAPP 0.05865960445615422
MNDR 0.45822367790612795
BOLD 0.3696825335625456
CHRO 0.6899192250808396
ANRO 0.15822614411454747
GUTS 0.03724955514988015
AVBP 0.4068358839873789

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.01873   KPSS: 0.09723
P-Value:         ADF: 0.12692    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.78261
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.037880790019134886
WOK 0.015887742871559255
OSTX 0.3116435081618675
RAPP 0.3472755559698738
MNDR 0.032941051350173
BOLD 0.29966270734746264
CHRO 0.4602545341669938
TELO 0.04073333888138334
GUTS 0.06029185132202115
AVBP 0.03646614043962709

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.45481   KPSS: 0.08782
P-Value:         ADF: 0.04448    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.66913
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.10735058444708273
WOK 0.22258108490416237
OSTX 0.000465548335009861
RAPP 0.00027722097377959364
MNDR 0.0007060008741738018
BOLD 0.4186587552080332
CHRO 0.23249355302452757
TELO 0.046351987345753354
ANRO 0.09487739164133752
AVBP 0.00030409943489079894

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.65177   KPSS: 0.13849
P-Value:         ADF: 0.02574    KPSS: 0.0639
DurbinWatson: 2.48813
Granger Causality Tests
PTHL 0.34309220078782543
WOK 0.07081831761241406
OSTX 0.00010692387459798024
RAPP 0.004680924445177441
MNDR 0.10448533388597318
BOLD 0.07605732902465005
CHRO 0.33694969897942106
TELO 0.16497680113520313
ANRO 0.8189941911585441
GUTS 0.28126009001128

      correct       pred   prev   errorPct     error
PTHL     4.54   4.983352   4.43   9.765463  0.443352
WOK      6.06   5.809366   6.42   4.135870  0.250634
OSTX     2.91   3.418202   2.99  17.463997  0.508202
RAPP    20.24  22.045842  21.75   8.922146  1.805842
MNDR     1.52   0.381896   1.52  74.875238  1.138104
BOLD     5.41   7.147682   4.77  32.119813  1.737682
CHRO     2.53   1.375145   1.83  45.646428  1.154855
TELO     6.05   6.073285   6.20   0.384869  0.023285
ANRO    15.56  14.504009  14.18   6.786574  1.055991
GUTS     6.98   7.649999   6.70   9.598840  0.669999
AVBP    15.90  17.089810  15.50   7.483087  1.189811
Mean Absolute Error: 0.9070687206545085
Mean Squared Error: 1.1279481295259508
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.6363636363636364 (7/11)
MAE of Percent Error: 19.743847788579256

INDUSTRY: Industrials
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.91058   KPSS: 0.13632
P-Value:         ADF: 0.01173    KPSS: 0.06792
DurbinWatson: 1.82832
Granger Causality Tests
XCH 0.0012871045188522748
JBDI 0.01766756469313325
RECT 0.04044048711490123
FLYE 0.7967757956631434
ZONE 0.14039453049893008
NCI 3.975503594059755e-06
TRSG 2.2319155164604927e-05
MTEN 0.3198223996313754
MAMO 0.0038033459187325706
LOBO 0.0008697438396122019
PMNT 0.0008944680919377285
JL 0.15071358369045723
SYNX 0.004494220644642226

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.39038   KPSS: 0.14949
P-Value:         ADF: 0.38475    KPSS: 0.0471
DurbinWatson: 2.05206
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.21174627588016828
JBDI 0.10346151791358031
RECT 0.0036873217016951784
FLYE 0.1822299066601946
ZONE 0.6415677814734279
NCI 1.743514497868868e-06
TRSG 0.12282792398402174
MTEN 0.09381323389491648
MAMO 0.006676463806703068
LOBO 0.18581509150839617
PMNT 0.002816024423755553
JL 0.1288624749634573
SYNX 0.00041456896852031265

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.7942    KPSS: 0.13202
P-Value:         ADF: 0.70755    KPSS: 0.07589
DurbinWatson: 2.06227
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.13965513513170782
RECT 0.23278255328000091
FLYE 0.1847918174458691
ZONE 0.11258119519664922
NCI 2.1222141342908822e-09
TRSG 0.012809719569679356
MTEN 0.0022066309217052007
MAMO 0.10077391309521073
LOBO 0.001518821089680699
PMNT 0.004112226371096186
JL 0.009726234811316316
SYNX 0.02694265823237572

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.46067   KPSS: 0.13405
P-Value:         ADF: 0.04379    KPSS: 0.07213
DurbinWatson: 2.58445
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.19112577750659276
JBDI 0.1875269494543334
FLYE 0.1629156374992208
ZONE 0.37736434862474166
NCI 2.393015339631258e-05
TRSG 0.04262066088560813
MTEN 0.05454803537761681
MAMO 0.0022184106805389647
LOBO 0.14088515238889965
PMNT 0.0066041387556199935
JL 0.21592297025749002
SYNX 0.0009971744139079023

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.80652   KPSS: 0.09764
P-Value:         ADF: 0.70161    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.97976
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.7257616827529346
JBDI 0.6913363871479143
RECT 0.004066226939165406
ZONE 0.04754106244840928
NCI 0.0002385579711124075
TRSG 0.0010175766400564012
MTEN 0.011134647008688204
MAMO 0.0006416285474885876
LOBO 0.1710980436571721
PMNT 0.33169548669229443
JL 0.79855918822216
SYNX 0.3445049691603853

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.2201    KPSS: 0.15406
P-Value:         ADF: 0.47854    KPSS: 0.04328
DurbinWatson: 2.19867
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.5799584659766712
JBDI 0.8583174360810741
RECT 0.3772442982282144
FLYE 0.43858643632876726
NCI 8.823767281268929e-05
TRSG 0.16414705194660903
MTEN 0.0013476306857978001
MAMO 0.01210039416886636
LOBO 0.013000600977813226
PMNT 0.01973138722260462
JL 0.4851508825725651
SYNX 0.4330887463125449

Test Statistic:  ADF: -12.89225  KPSS: 0.16987
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0    KPSS: 0.03011
DurbinWatson: 1.08982
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 4.4214235600004553e-11
JBDI 0.06585681499627241
RECT 0.032591607872591355
FLYE 0.2178654104226113
TRSG 0.0001833930765082264
MTEN 0.24060731301036306
MAMO 0.006362858984316789
LOBO 0.003315129001766895
PMNT 0.00024705941219408024
JL 0.009132257232091455
SYNX 0.0028168825550967994

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.12499   KPSS: 0.1134
P-Value:         ADF: 0.53208    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.92478
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.0051893964726990845
JBDI 0.08181474611578463
RECT 0.06265246391558764
FLYE 0.0012971270614629588
NCI 5.6486809177809894e-08
MTEN 0.08903368859283252
MAMO 0.01015973801309408
LOBO 0.0353165027930587
PMNT 0.16732553919074028
JL 0.008018632398814236
SYNX 0.07778457291582068

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.09854   KPSS: 0.16339
P-Value:         ADF: 0.54692    KPSS: 0.03551
DurbinWatson: 1.42146
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.06026950570059693
JBDI 0.24102808053217273
RECT 0.8635082498323425
FLYE 0.4036658875944284
NCI 0.039429170342011856
TRSG 0.22899341158454956
MAMO 0.026755407547713227
LOBO 0.4512734116698436
PMNT 0.3273193007959945
JL 0.34169648092119753
SYNX 0.00016085060302326734

Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.41059   KPSS: 0.1278
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00211    KPSS: 0.08371
DurbinWatson: 2.10099
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.06827382330072419
JBDI 0.10416017741481376
RECT 0.32192813669207354
FLYE 0.7703835225341813
NCI 0.00012363694727781567
TRSG 0.1033862908930223
LOBO 0.12856638175485402
PMNT 0.391205978597834
JL 0.472525139488836
SYNX 0.016491267557669546

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.64631   KPSS: 0.10082
P-Value:         ADF: 0.25904    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.31237
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 5.788382879222067e-08
JBDI 0.042715157697601716
RECT 0.22563052896628014
FLYE 0.46797991355808133
NCI 0.005793515912902346
TRSG 0.15916982612628436
MAMO 0.04295822308064973
PMNT 0.13991981761209055
JL 0.08584633137174585
SYNX 0.33576770872019124

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.41248   KPSS: 0.14793
P-Value:         ADF: 0.37301    KPSS: 0.04839
DurbinWatson: 1.95694
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.223439857538025
JBDI 0.10456936776134668
RECT 0.11380689474893765
FLYE 0.04402080999098943
NCI 3.176761329064781e-08
TRSG 0.013129680807320448
MAMO 0.010012892545112763
LOBO 0.0019244731329550084
JL 0.019206521945011157
SYNX 0.03755666702720559

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.50366   KPSS: 0.08838
P-Value:         ADF: 0.32614    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.93158
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.4498023160479957
JBDI 0.9298606481096826
RECT 0.06236907394165552
FLYE 0.0009171823402274143
NCI 2.5526840871006577e-06
TRSG 0.025737654340895498
MAMO 0.002160124282169928
LOBO 0.021593705528931466
SYNX 0.13833610994561438

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.05765   KPSS: 0.11336
P-Value:         ADF: 0.93584    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.02645
Granger Causality Tests
ADUR 0.17390096042882186
JBDI 0.4122789976067273
RECT 0.07887603892877548
FLYE 0.10719682720182494
NCI 0.0009873997507400096
TRSG 0.42458214087137175
MAMO 0.01413753976301789
LOBO 0.1514062507897885
JL 0.1147019681600659

      correct      pred   prev   errorPct     error
ADUR    4.250  4.466976  4.380   5.105312  0.216976
JBDI    0.666  0.722472  0.666   8.479279  0.056472
RECT    3.236  3.155866  3.248   2.476317  0.080134
FLYE    0.703  0.617364  0.713  12.181491  0.085636
NCI     0.628  0.647296  0.624   3.072608  0.019296
TRSG    3.260  3.577366  3.290   9.735143  0.317366
MAMO    3.840  3.588150  4.000   6.558591  0.251850
LOBO    2.060  2.545742  2.260  23.579727  0.485742
JL      0.644  0.683258  0.629   6.095955  0.039258
SYNX    3.371  3.803677  3.340  12.835283  0.432677
Mean Absolute Error: 0.19854065041304847
Mean Squared Error: 0.06532406970813144
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.6 (6/10)
MAE of Percent Error: 9.011970549189545

INDUSTRY: Oil and Gas
Insufficient number of symbols after preprocessing

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.79161   KPSS: 0.09028
P-Value:         ADF: 0.20004    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.34362
Granger Causality Tests
SPAI 0.17422234742797515
RITR 0.7676192987302155
ICON 0.0673640660418446
EHGO 0.0194864739630305
LSH 0.0045141511423502124
BTOC 0.37445254867584615
SUGP 0.10833281901614931

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.97701   KPSS: 0.1775
P-Value:         ADF: 0.6139     KPSS: 0.02444
DurbinWatson: 1.84638
Granger Causality Tests
PMAX 0.3952288890207526
RITR 0.878421021514134
ICON 0.4646138339950062
EHGO 1.8830334425207237e-05
LSH 0.23119295319186484
BTOC 0.021633426715009094
SUGP 0.06348029055746425

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.43074   KPSS: 0.08671
P-Value:         ADF: 0.85166    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.15439
Granger Causality Tests
PMAX 0.1140532304985054
ICON 0.645894428792705
EHGO 7.649217519472641e-05
LSH 0.34253733312749574
BTOC 0.2583698103214859
SUGP 0.1322314561219613

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.81912   KPSS: 0.11985
P-Value:         ADF: 0.69547    KPSS: 0.09843
DurbinWatson: 1.79562
Granger Causality Tests
PMAX 0.0015207806143716857
RITR 0.6639454763952538
EHGO 0.04617014037220832
LSH 0.5925331956080155
BTOC 0.02010737172341354
SUGP 0.238280157683495

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.70241   KPSS: 0.1382
P-Value:         ADF: 0.74981    KPSS: 0.06445
DurbinWatson: 1.11808
Granger Causality Tests
PMAX 0.37334119327285087
RITR 0.14228648983746497
ICON 0.3309976064621839
LSH 0.2895912687117516
BTOC 0.5055911468432706
SUGP 0.018865318198385658

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.7394    KPSS: 0.08153
P-Value:         ADF: 0.22009    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.00787
Granger Causality Tests
PMAX 0.18734333580195467
RITR 0.6503782760526864
ICON 0.15460313357784516
EHGO 0.256838317240311
BTOC 0.016929248811610932
SUGP 0.178595592509146

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.81767   KPSS: 0.07355
P-Value:         ADF: 0.19053    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.42564
Granger Causality Tests
PMAX 0.027354593891234808
RITR 0.38906620255345653
ICON 0.17218610503009985
EHGO 0.30663378672288677
LSH 0.418819636551909
SUGP 0.05315899677934711

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.34667   KPSS: 0.13
P-Value:         ADF: 0.40833    KPSS: 0.07963
DurbinWatson: 1.75063
Granger Causality Tests
PMAX 0.17082618218921705
RITR 0.20845624665503376
ICON 0.4865677422624596
EHGO 0.0031276912706451406
LSH 0.19314067573411128
BTOC 0.6661818558308004

      correct      pred   prev   errorPct     error
PMAX     3.11  3.279176  3.110   5.439745  0.169176
RITR     4.00  5.406094  4.488  35.152354  1.406094
ICON     2.08  2.247646  2.100   8.059929  0.167647
EHGO     1.93  2.074829  2.180   7.504075  0.144829
LSH      2.48  2.558756  2.560   3.175637  0.078756
BTOC     4.66  4.837681  4.660   3.812891  0.177681
SUGP     1.85  2.722475  2.080  47.160790  0.872475
Mean Absolute Error: 0.4309509323460946
Mean Squared Error: 0.40768384906866134
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.2857142857142857 (2/7)
MAE of Percent Error: 15.7579173155068

INDUSTRY: Technology
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.2689    KPSS: 0.08704
P-Value:         ADF: 0.07153    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.16014
Granger Causality Tests
TDTH 0.6823223316502175
YXT 0.4283906856900437
ORKT 0.4300025001581208
BLMZ 0.6595400202818587
SVCO 0.003589471927993357
YYGH 0.266390090776642
UBXG 0.7059463411532648
RYDE 0.47963300463642833
LGCL 0.013291035416353932
WETH 0.011802395728465807
UMAC 0.06821785889977063
YIBO 0.8692106449127109
CCTG 0.05416863526463887

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.89826   KPSS: 0.08683
P-Value:         ADF: 0.16278    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.40378
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.5141584757566373
YXT 0.05592730841857845
ORKT 0.06814762602347675
BLMZ 0.7248493887232259
SVCO 0.25273420980553113
YYGH 0.11544355229462014
UBXG 3.071604540305703e-05
RYDE 0.08763296277624222
LGCL 0.4246823941371245
WETH 0.0019548675268903724
UMAC 0.0358296520578945
YIBO 0.272175368763556
CCTG 0.029644558390916256

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.73133   KPSS: 0.16095
P-Value:         ADF: 0.73689    KPSS: 0.03754
DurbinWatson: 2.26405
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.26670643237762093
TDTH 0.01897348646757842
ORKT 0.3438181093750958
BLMZ 0.013599484419789809
SVCO 0.02311748012079205
YYGH 0.002185990801157279
UBXG 0.11348878430474163
RYDE 0.13597906864514914
LGCL 0.4892388139114481
WETH 0.001616997212709013
UMAC 0.0006894747129035146
YIBO 0.01068230213734056
CCTG 0.029768726040712155

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.64549   KPSS: 0.15057
P-Value:         ADF: 0.77412    KPSS: 0.04619
DurbinWatson: 1.82332
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.7135926392756519
TDTH 0.40255189749182185
BLMZ 0.16170229335586947
SVCO 0.02227430751475294
YYGH 0.31492757156602863
UBXG 0.43373200258354205
RYDE 0.6460845849414685
LGCL 0.09599771520105828
WETH 0.09994918750694418
UMAC 0.3315543028240356
YIBO 0.2681411966686666
CCTG 0.7267308442823277

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.33969   KPSS: 0.07665
P-Value:         ADF: 0.05998    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.61641
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.10962182316876362
TDTH 0.1142908995174514
SVCO 0.18161019205992504
YYGH 0.1276902668345709
UBXG 0.13669157487620118
RYDE 0.09427864590113066
LGCL 0.1639205343352811
WETH 0.01847336993230113
UMAC 0.06114680355978302
YIBO 0.5460642761983123
CCTG 0.06149861007267143

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.11824   KPSS: 0.09272
P-Value:         ADF: 0.53587    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.23338
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.053567579386533525
TDTH 0.29897720356934876
BLMZ 0.32723750721378475
YYGH 0.5763126792314296
UBXG 0.08196897325679493
RYDE 0.26633677131017375
LGCL 0.000756276664819582
WETH 0.5313320130880743
UMAC 0.5879255803099234
YIBO 0.3764650964378958
CCTG 0.48290541566799117

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.55588   KPSS: 0.16155
P-Value:         ADF: 0.30061    KPSS: 0.03704
DurbinWatson: 2.11464
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.26957063161813394
TDTH 0.02195401679347399
BLMZ 0.5648968135648731
SVCO 0.3679321423244381
UBXG 0.15833638339798228
RYDE 0.09636764695978578
LGCL 0.20708619713242268
WETH 0.01795360263566169
UMAC 0.00036468078483574553
YIBO 0.45951779975735063
CCTG 0.015234225520339196

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.43196   KPSS: 0.15918
P-Value:         ADF: 0.85129    KPSS: 0.03902
DurbinWatson: 2.42972
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.24710765657628106
TDTH 0.017033707900028693
BLMZ 0.37432930145102095
SVCO 0.0627882591676726
RYDE 0.001151737995516758
LGCL 0.30117608020668984
WETH 0.21906622992582095
UMAC 0.09949492118628919
YIBO 0.16339852899385604
CCTG 0.6619235170463266

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.19086   KPSS: 0.15342
P-Value:         ADF: 0.91236    KPSS: 0.04382
DurbinWatson: 1.88988
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.03826109989316823
TDTH 0.5471744275433934
BLMZ 0.5970175326231866
SVCO 0.11673160218623409
LGCL 0.07574996645409768
WETH 0.20697831469101954
UMAC 0.17332014704194657
YIBO 0.045146614079421186
CCTG 0.6712108049047701

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.72563   KPSS: 0.13371
P-Value:         ADF: 0.73947    KPSS: 0.07276
DurbinWatson: 2.28803
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.041556705247758036
TDTH 0.7865878563804026
BLMZ 0.03407224473538452
SVCO 0.27226570817089957
WETH 0.022025543771509188
UMAC 0.4070953858014834
YIBO 0.06934265338597301
CCTG 0.0004634810347936425

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.61013   KPSS: 0.06548
P-Value:         ADF: 0.27525    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.44965
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.5639658060837393
TDTH 0.01525787181146715
BLMZ 0.6813384453710358
SVCO 0.21527429178234184
LGCL 0.04754280024881835
UMAC 0.05034286089256414
YIBO 0.5207575027887206
CCTG 0.38721395906182765

Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.41246   KPSS: 0.07206
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00209    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.22001
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.26181372877387704
TDTH 0.004990383203960125
BLMZ 0.5302519323326168
SVCO 0.20615916765761155
LGCL 0.06033410991725378
WETH 1.0189892372711763e-05
YIBO 0.441416471451081
CCTG 0.045722990623835426

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.86895   KPSS: 0.13353
P-Value:         ADF: 0.6706     KPSS: 0.07309
DurbinWatson: 2.15418
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.1435280090912015
TDTH 0.0037336065727818103
BLMZ 0.2939582444780208
SVCO 0.15731304715710612
LGCL 0.5889605057677483
WETH 0.2662261106623099
UMAC 0.3584577110442848
CCTG 0.2698348548993421

Test Statistic:  ADF: -5.47567   KPSS: 0.1423
P-Value:         ADF: 3e-05  KPSS: 0.05685
DurbinWatson: 2.48644
Granger Causality Tests
TZUP 0.028097252120823177
TDTH 0.02074919351500294
BLMZ 0.45233619707464257
SVCO 0.5180869789377847
LGCL 0.5857626432000529
WETH 0.13856687241739798
UMAC 0.1411356239130154
YIBO 0.05632817115882605

      correct       pred    prev   errorPct     error
TZUP     4.25   4.371526   4.260   2.859445  0.121526
TDTH     2.31   2.392841   2.670   3.586190  0.082841
BLMZ     1.06   1.341366   1.280  26.543990  0.281366
SVCO    16.18  17.367015  15.880   7.336309  1.187015
LGCL     2.76   2.074004   2.850  24.854920  0.685996
WETH     1.43   1.535704   1.300   7.391874  0.105704
UMAC     1.11   1.448468   1.080  30.492603  0.338468
YIBO     2.08   2.572521   2.143  23.678878  0.492521
CCTG     2.88   2.158310   3.040  25.058698  0.721691
Mean Absolute Error: 0.4463474541734747
Mean Squared Error: 0.3188377956759481
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.6666666666666666 (6/9)
MAE of Percent Error: 16.866989552328267

INDUSTRY: Utilities
Test Statistic:  ADF: 0.11135    KPSS: 0.1338
P-Value:         ADF: 0.9952     KPSS: 0.07258
DurbinWatson: 1.74072
Granger Causality Tests
CDTG 0.14328969971467354

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.16877   KPSS: 0.10244
P-Value:         ADF: 0.50744    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.32120
Granger Causality Tests
NNE 0.5096592440595482

      correct       pred  prev  errorPct     error
NNE      9.62  10.447222  9.86  8.598979  0.827222
CDTG     3.34   3.643545  3.42  9.088174  0.303545
Mean Absolute Error: 0.5653834042708452
Mean Squared Error: 0.3882177421990614
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.0 (0/2)
MAE of Percent Error: 8.843576673080616

Finally, the clusters were analyzed by month of IPO.

Show results of Monly Group Tests
from statsmodels.tools.sm_exceptions import ValueWarning

from prediction.prediction_util import *
from statsmodels.tsa.api import VAR
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=ValueWarning)

stocks = pd.read_csv("data-collection/stocks.csv", header=[0,1], index_col=[0])
ipos = pd.read_csv("analysis/clustered.csv")

monthLabels = [

for INUM, ILABEL in enumerate(monthLabels):
    if INUM != 0:
    print("IPO MONTH:", ILABEL)

    group1 = ipos[ipos["Month_Cluster"] == INUM]

    close = stocks.xs('Close', axis=1, level=1)
    close.index = stocks.index

    g1StockData = getGroupClosingPrices(group1, close)

    for c in g1StockData.columns:

        g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].apply(lambda x: np.log(x) if x != 0 else 0)

        ts, p, lags = adf_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
        tsK, pK, lagsK = kpss_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
        db = durbinWatson_test(g1StockData[c].dropna())
        print(f"Test Statistic:  ADF: {round(ts, 5)}\t KPSS: {round(tsK, 5)}")
        print(f"P-Value:         ADF: {round(p, 5)}\t KPSS: {round(pK, 5)}")
        print("DurbinWatson: %.5f" % db)
        others = [x for x in g1StockData.columns if x != c]
        gc = {}
        print("Granger Causality Tests")
        for x in others:
            gc[x] = min(granger_test(g1StockData[c], g1StockData[x]).values())
            print(x, gc[x])
        if p > 0.05 and pK < 0.05:
            g1StockData.drop(columns=c, inplace=True)

    if len(g1StockData.columns) < 2:
        print("Insufficient number of symbols after preprocessing")
    g1StockData = g1StockData.iloc[:, 0:15]
    date_labels = pd.date_range(start='2024-01-01', periods=60, freq='D')
    g1StockData["date"] = date_labels
    g1StockData.set_index("date", inplace=True)

    model = VAR(g1StockData.iloc[:-5])
    results = model.fit(maxlags=1, ic='aic')

    lag_order = results.k_ar
    forecast_input = g1StockData.values[-(lag_order):]
    forecast = results.forecast(y=forecast_input, steps=5)
    forecast_df = pd.DataFrame(forecast, index=[f"Day {i}" for i in range(56, 61)], columns=g1StockData.columns)
    g1StockData.index = [f"Day {i}" for i in range(1, 61)]

    for c in forecast_df.columns:
        g1StockData[c] = g1StockData[c].apply(lambda x: np.exp(x) if x != 0 else 0)
        forecast_df[c] = forecast_df[c].apply(lambda x: np.exp(x) if x != 0 else 0)

    plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4.8))
    for i, c in enumerate(g1StockData.columns):
        plt.plot(g1StockData.iloc[:-5].index, g1StockData[c].iloc[:-5], label=c)
    for i, c in enumerate(g1StockData.columns):
        plt.plot(forecast_df.index, list(forecast_df.iloc[:, i]), color=plt.gca().lines[i].get_color(), label=None)

    plt.legend(loc='upper left')
    g1StockData.replace([0], 0.001, inplace=True)

    correct = g1StockData.iloc[-1]
    pred = forecast_df.iloc[-1]
    prev = g1StockData.iloc[-2]
    error = abs(correct - pred)
    errorPct = error / correct * 100
    results = pd.DataFrame({"correct":correct, "pred":pred, "prev":prev, "errorPct":errorPct, "error":error})
    results.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], 100, inplace=True)

    # Calculate MAE
    mae = mean_absolute_error(results['correct'], results['pred'])
    print('Mean Absolute Error:', mae)

    # Calculate MSE
    mse = mean_squared_error(results['correct'], results['pred'])
    print('Mean Squared Error:', mse)

    count = 0
    errorPct = []
    for i in range(len(correct)):
        if correct.iloc[i] < prev.iloc[i] and pred.iloc[i] < prev.iloc[i]:
            count += 1
        if correct.iloc[i] > prev.iloc[i] and pred.iloc[i] > prev.iloc[i]:
            count += 1
        errorPct.append(abs(correct.iloc[i] - pred.iloc[i]) / correct.iloc[i] * 100)
    print("Percent Directionally Correct:", count / len(correct), f"({count}/{len(correct)})")
    print("MAE of Percent Error:", sum(results["errorPct"]) / len(results))
IPO MONTH: January
Insufficient number of symbols after preprocessing

IPO MONTH: February
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.65177   KPSS: 0.13849
P-Value:         ADF: 0.02574    KPSS: 0.0639
DurbinWatson: 2.48813
Granger Causality Tests
HAO 0.019727494283736137
YIBO 0.05587564556782938
JL 0.06194094671907603
SUGP 0.07942938693342351
CCTG 0.4410488463890758
PSBD 0.5325622151333134
SYNX 0.21763315017496146
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.47495   KPSS: 0.14992
P-Value:         ADF: 0.04215    KPSS: 0.04673
DurbinWatson: 2.20710
Granger Causality Tests
AVBP 0.5235478048448371
YIBO 0.05138933318730364
JL 0.7846027019560595
SUGP 0.0012213812795337884
CCTG 0.35743355615765543
PSBD 0.3081013874060642
SYNX 0.10113173046751804
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.86895   KPSS: 0.13353
P-Value:         ADF: 0.6706     KPSS: 0.07309
DurbinWatson: 2.15418
Granger Causality Tests
AVBP 0.7623977854902217
HAO 0.42974627084960537
JL 0.1847571370530911
SUGP 0.7725268185712936
CCTG 0.2698348548993421
PSBD 0.2597888843752002
SYNX 0.07544998376903778
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.50366   KPSS: 0.08838
P-Value:         ADF: 0.32614    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.93158
Granger Causality Tests
AVBP 0.0010915057678337792
HAO 0.004133641903372109
YIBO 0.18888757149226967
SUGP 0.01133337768503194
CCTG 0.5463962407829133
PSBD 0.2793759665411042
SYNX 0.13833610994561438
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.34667   KPSS: 0.13
P-Value:         ADF: 0.40833    KPSS: 0.07963
DurbinWatson: 1.75063
Granger Causality Tests
AVBP 0.053783878052823746
HAO 0.12285016225384376
YIBO 0.27546487621528065
JL 0.61385194162911
CCTG 0.03491567693839442
PSBD 0.1513447385905756
SYNX 0.15225181184248893
Test Statistic:  ADF: -5.47567   KPSS: 0.1423
P-Value:         ADF: 3e-05  KPSS: 0.05685
DurbinWatson: 2.48644
Granger Causality Tests
AVBP 0.1296558793426651
HAO 0.2482535545412349
YIBO 0.05632817115882605
JL 0.035486408228427815
SUGP 0.0002520461157934741
PSBD 0.3450893789725356
SYNX 0.05981853370992378
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.62758   KPSS: 0.08807
P-Value:         ADF: 0.02759    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.55556
Granger Causality Tests
AVBP 0.16875412103652332
HAO 0.0828189407472573
YIBO 0.28716767206586896
JL 0.006890210893732286
SUGP 0.294139573764522
CCTG 0.640615004740719
SYNX 0.3874801989056276
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.05765   KPSS: 0.11336
P-Value:         ADF: 0.93584    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.02645
Granger Causality Tests
AVBP 0.5509960256667206
HAO 0.1514388925203692
YIBO 0.1777026981184046
JL 0.1147019681600659
SUGP 0.4683384080983489
CCTG 0.043694418633692514
PSBD 0.11968058394133682

        correct       pred       prev   errorPct     error
AVBP  15.900000  16.555165  15.500000   4.120540  0.655166
HAO    4.830000   4.822793   4.730000   0.149212  0.007207
YIBO   2.080000   2.599851   2.143000  24.992845  0.519851
JL     0.644000   0.495612   0.629000  23.041663  0.148388
SUGP   1.850000   2.278518   2.080000  23.163141  0.428518
CCTG   2.880000   1.905396   3.040000  33.840416  0.974604
PSBD  16.110001  16.208522  16.290001   0.611553  0.098521
SYNX   3.371000   3.794236   3.340000  12.555215  0.423236
Mean Absolute Error: 0.4069364754376639
Mean Squared Error: 0.2554843350115017
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.625 (5/8)
MAE of Percent Error: 15.30932301598379

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.55973   KPSS: 0.1097
P-Value:         ADF: 0.29877    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.67778
Granger Causality Tests
WETH 0.06728582604108847
CHRO 0.16960466553570677
UMAC 0.22968400397044345
MGX 0.37804322137984536
TELO 0.0004352564459335398
PMNT 0.2355445495827791
ANRO 0.07827919924774412
GUTS 0.06193871098977903
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.61013   KPSS: 0.06548
P-Value:         ADF: 0.27525    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.44965
Granger Causality Tests
SMXT 0.04134996603381041
CHRO 0.18971648961395193
UMAC 0.05034286089256414
MGX 0.22655647734247475
TELO 0.04392916339474635
PMNT 0.02709538087392191
ANRO 0.17931236215474694
GUTS 9.80676679350089e-05
Test Statistic:  ADF: 0.15177    KPSS: 0.12969
P-Value:         ADF: 0.99548    KPSS: 0.0802
DurbinWatson: 2.45193
Granger Causality Tests
SMXT 0.07756050273339596
WETH 0.008215518905121403
UMAC 0.0037589247886810257
MGX 0.0003487896552253313
TELO 0.08368546680068249
PMNT 0.0683820968891081
ANRO 0.4849116410273071
GUTS 0.06243999535864143
Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.41246   KPSS: 0.07206
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00209    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.22001
Granger Causality Tests
SMXT 0.03800552824486151
WETH 1.0189892372711763e-05
CHRO 0.5219548778939791
MGX 0.04094794176721456
TELO 0.013963339083589132
PMNT 0.22698854714721678
ANRO 0.6581454988364301
GUTS 0.017291206967415405
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.82966   KPSS: 0.16411
P-Value:         ADF: 0.18626    KPSS: 0.0349
DurbinWatson: 2.03101
Granger Causality Tests
SMXT 0.12466231169735872
WETH 0.1483944172572377
CHRO 0.023501321034687772
UMAC 0.036133642198502645
TELO 0.09315438398963363
PMNT 0.19197515924666822
ANRO 0.538488128707094
GUTS 0.07606586130611459
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.54951   KPSS: 0.08701
P-Value:         ADF: 0.03438    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.23094
Granger Causality Tests
SMXT 0.14051361673239682
WETH 0.087782810109918
CHRO 0.6899192250808396
UMAC 0.01989621107075295
PMNT 0.2406790882939617
ANRO 0.15822614411454747
GUTS 0.03724955514988015
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.41248   KPSS: 0.14793
P-Value:         ADF: 0.37301    KPSS: 0.04839
DurbinWatson: 1.95694
Granger Causality Tests
SMXT 0.07175566325014288
WETH 0.010930595074474376
CHRO 0.27552115391042664
UMAC 0.0004344149607128616
TELO 0.043791213505332445
ANRO 0.1378113658831962
GUTS 0.1382000593236719
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.01873   KPSS: 0.09723
P-Value:         ADF: 0.12692    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.78261
Granger Causality Tests
SMXT 0.0001523473862362105
WETH 0.02651046276216647
CHRO 0.4602545341669938
UMAC 0.4278732173759212
TELO 0.04073333888138334
GUTS 0.06029185132202115
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.45481   KPSS: 0.08782
P-Value:         ADF: 0.04448    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.66913
Granger Causality Tests
SMXT 0.001467098629330455
WETH 0.012433795619752087
CHRO 0.23249355302452757
UMAC 0.09933686747793274
TELO 0.046351987345753354
ANRO 0.09487739164133752

      correct       pred   prev   errorPct     error
SMXT    13.07  10.247798  12.57  21.592975  2.822202
WETH     1.43   1.531490   1.30   7.097202  0.101490
CHRO     2.53   1.819908   1.83  28.066882  0.710092
UMAC     1.11   1.581108   1.08  42.442132  0.471108
TELO     6.05   6.422048   6.20   6.149542  0.372047
ANRO    15.56  15.122290  14.18   2.813047  0.437710
GUTS     6.98   6.433260   6.70   7.832950  0.546740
Mean Absolute Error: 0.7801984043301456
Mean Squared Error: 1.3328899946801205
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.42857142857142855 (3/7)
MAE of Percent Error: 16.57067576820487

Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.67616   KPSS: 0.10545
P-Value:         ADF: 0.76121    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.93570
Granger Causality Tests
BOLD 0.11149195827506542
UBXG 0.09647124866329082
LOBO 0.028038663991405675
INTJ 0.1839498209592607
RYDE 0.21759477951015585
LGCL 0.008020963301736458
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.4041    KPSS: 0.11033
P-Value:         ADF: 0.8597     KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.82203
Granger Causality Tests
MMA 0.38333221718096655
UBXG 0.35455229372654734
LOBO 0.0006830095084626944
INTJ 0.08024686324402172
RYDE 0.4531857574044945
LGCL 0.3248548322190036
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.43196   KPSS: 0.15918
P-Value:         ADF: 0.85129    KPSS: 0.03902
DurbinWatson: 2.42972
Granger Causality Tests
MMA 0.31938438945492104
BOLD 0.003767860301785359
LOBO 0.012719362596671278
INTJ 0.2544639423228557
RYDE 0.001151737995516758
LGCL 0.30117608020668984
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.64631   KPSS: 0.10082
P-Value:         ADF: 0.25904    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.31237
Granger Causality Tests
MMA 0.6024266815939963
BOLD 0.2698672550972812
INTJ 0.02131562736560416
RYDE 0.05080746874475459
LGCL 0.149691727013534
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.66739   KPSS: 0.14197
P-Value:         ADF: 0.76495    KPSS: 0.05746
DurbinWatson: 1.66931
Granger Causality Tests
MMA 0.2680120081657049
BOLD 0.5704159517791556
LOBO 0.025186178466695155
RYDE 0.01585355157457875
LGCL 0.003790903667725251
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.19086   KPSS: 0.15342
P-Value:         ADF: 0.91236    KPSS: 0.04382
DurbinWatson: 1.88988
Granger Causality Tests
MMA 0.007401898567587036
BOLD 0.122292361248896
LOBO 0.2746821555154794
INTJ 0.07998810349091576
LGCL 0.07574996645409768
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.72563   KPSS: 0.13371
P-Value:         ADF: 0.73947    KPSS: 0.07276
DurbinWatson: 2.28803
Granger Causality Tests
MMA 0.004138428870552761
BOLD 0.3328946880581754
LOBO 0.4185091034508526
INTJ 0.3457482539983596

      correct      pred   prev   errorPct     error
MMA     3.005  3.314358  2.640  10.294772  0.309358
BOLD    5.410  6.266962  4.770  15.840343  0.856963
LOBO    2.060  1.884715  2.260   8.508963  0.175285
INTJ    1.070  0.804070  1.045  24.853235  0.265930
LGCL    2.760  3.336381  2.850  20.883365  0.576381
Mean Absolute Error: 0.43678310527941483
Mean Squared Error: 0.2527490431442076
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.6 (3/5)
MAE of Percent Error: 16.076135292832117

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.2201    KPSS: 0.15406
P-Value:         ADF: 0.47854    KPSS: 0.04328
DurbinWatson: 2.19867
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 8.823767281268929e-05
MFI 2.7225910131199447e-07
YYGH 0.012802582831365907
TRSG 0.16414705194660903
CDTG 0.5166388170065104
MTEN 0.0013476306857978001
SERV 2.151613841314357e-05
JUNE 0.1125687916911173
TWG 0.0025990759552432818
MNDR 0.5341846658836205
CTNM 0.00017518220969929186
MAMO 0.01210039416886636
ZBAO 0.04002902216174135
Test Statistic:  ADF: -12.89225  KPSS: 0.16987
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0    KPSS: 0.03011
DurbinWatson: 1.08982
Granger Causality Tests
MFI 5.439494598238122e-17
YYGH 5.8189430238357006e-09
TRSG 0.0001833930765082264
CDTG 0.314223273233104
MTEN 0.24060731301036306
SERV 6.059726828934879e-06
JUNE 0.4404041743954218
TWG 7.723436575366149e-27
MNDR 0.018178236558555144
CTNM 0.2399168631068747
MAMO 0.006362858984316789
ZBAO 0.006962103991384958
Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.16844   KPSS: 0.1375
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00499    KPSS: 0.06575
DurbinWatson: 1.84989
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 0.017945775787566898
YYGH 9.857700155549308e-07
TRSG 0.0019215576302002027
CDTG 0.09387999689528954
MTEN 0.4572731261354811
SERV 3.299471478426566e-07
JUNE 0.2800837416233592
TWG 5.454784898177021e-13
MNDR 0.013107249768979971
CTNM 0.36092161874140727
MAMO 0.005461888112773865
ZBAO 0.15751345731870797
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.55588   KPSS: 0.16155
P-Value:         ADF: 0.30061    KPSS: 0.03704
DurbinWatson: 2.11464
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 3.020419873339458e-07
MFI 0.0004908793425841399
TRSG 0.0030946417366168643
CDTG 0.41745233459182013
MTEN 0.012012804691166687
SERV 1.3186609653353024e-15
JUNE 0.28231630403570135
TWG 0.003726733906116157
MNDR 0.00907255912554649
CTNM 0.14404774558120753
MAMO 0.010746966885030497
ZBAO 0.0030847559647256923
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.12499   KPSS: 0.1134
P-Value:         ADF: 0.53208    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.92478
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 5.6486809177809894e-08
MFI 3.1348962756083764e-05
CDTG 0.2668631758151852
MTEN 0.08903368859283252
SERV 3.186015132937128e-10
JUNE 0.040232951750366355
TWG 0.0005719726869587153
MNDR 0.13439855964775074
CTNM 0.10795982391230054
MAMO 0.01015973801309408
ZBAO 0.15826968612911346
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.16877   KPSS: 0.10244
P-Value:         ADF: 0.50744    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.32120
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 0.17965366250964893
MFI 0.01540426559817887
TRSG 0.42847614682073265
MTEN 0.02083984631336032
SERV 0.016402671338460843
JUNE 0.07653365766008155
TWG 0.2224096762408425
MNDR 0.034353707033041414
CTNM 0.007993333802956557
MAMO 0.03431094754076312
ZBAO 0.28551989865682237
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.09854   KPSS: 0.16339
P-Value:         ADF: 0.54692    KPSS: 0.03551
DurbinWatson: 1.42146
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 0.039429170342011856
MFI 0.00010444455925048574
TRSG 0.22899341158454956
CDTG 0.03661449763784348
SERV 0.0037299604438113722
JUNE 0.0019596575159911227
TWG 0.005498877801246294
MNDR 0.1312765197460677
CTNM 0.0006659809189968719
MAMO 0.026755407547713227
ZBAO 0.8197925193869515
Test Statistic:  ADF: -8.96804   KPSS: 0.11209
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.11358
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 0.021497388497126107
MFI 2.0821808323966406e-07
TRSG 0.04696043520695991
CDTG 0.4805297081332658
JUNE 0.3471778122384291
TWG 4.176069005541793e-15
MNDR 0.15047856379787392
CTNM 0.20765494226960765
MAMO 0.0014532005694494446
ZBAO 0.002385327503254167
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.52329   KPSS: 0.1008
P-Value:         ADF: 0.82103    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.10745
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 0.33150294100413386
MFI 0.659101090344502
TRSG 0.3280981552282596
CDTG 0.6757580022597776
SERV 0.061715937499103965
TWG 0.4068570447252676
MNDR 0.002890180206600217
CTNM 0.31590490639312546
MAMO 0.6643868682982251
ZBAO 0.5106520718938168
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.82923   KPSS: 0.13148
P-Value:         ADF: 0.18642    KPSS: 0.07689
DurbinWatson: 2.11375
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 3.476995109568003e-05
MFI 7.284478505635239e-12
TRSG 0.04160751207359369
CDTG 0.0825982019266483
SERV 0.00020852178484395445
JUNE 0.12040242824094465
MNDR 0.003388926804986913
CTNM 0.2274488247260604
MAMO 0.037162730882720235
ZBAO 0.06895822558708799
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.78656   KPSS: 0.12236
P-Value:         ADF: 0.7112     KPSS: 0.09377
DurbinWatson: 1.65656
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 8.198314521282883e-08
MFI 0.00043472743563986125
TRSG 0.01698317646306906
CDTG 0.22127977618212352
SERV 2.8296106912451605e-06
JUNE 0.34740492389038574
TWG 0.2736180706833865
CTNM 0.2255899647641915
MAMO 0.011238592483544252
ZBAO 0.08271650756715583
Test Statistic:  ADF: 0.80003    KPSS: 0.15447
P-Value:         ADF: 1.0    KPSS: 0.04294
DurbinWatson: 2.20008
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 0.04761688278040022
MFI 0.0863548081731013
TRSG 0.6723484038251455
CDTG 0.12580718995965487
SERV 0.05881123113837669
JUNE 0.005277439442628583
TWG 0.0264722081244814
MNDR 0.5435598237394004
MAMO 0.6615537005817882
ZBAO 0.3726289876809017
Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.41059   KPSS: 0.1278
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00211    KPSS: 0.08371
DurbinWatson: 2.10099
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 0.00012363694727781567
MFI 1.5426799719318992e-08
TRSG 0.1033862908930223
CDTG 0.10262358177732177
SERV 3.634266272271176e-06
JUNE 0.028281229577953922
TWG 0.05896015724948192
MNDR 0.02191001286717986
ZBAO 0.004570696452870772
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.81297   KPSS: 0.09004
P-Value:         ADF: 0.01592    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.41288
Granger Causality Tests
NCI 3.4330598237308766e-06
MFI 2.2136697607835255e-06
TRSG 0.11628791184154039
CDTG 0.8098074855636705
SERV 0.00036088063652237
JUNE 0.46471010375363275
TWG 0.02246270833214967
MNDR 0.5745684301942794
MAMO 0.011026702147088606

      correct      pred   prev   errorPct     error
NCI     0.628  0.609444  0.624   2.954843  0.018556
MFI     0.930  0.924088  0.920   0.635707  0.005912
TRSG    3.260  3.272764  3.290   0.391534  0.012764
CDTG    3.340  4.079603  3.420  22.143820  0.739604
SERV    2.800  3.047452  2.880   8.837575  0.247452
JUNE    5.400  4.337072  5.420  19.683853  1.062928
TWG     0.780  0.845271  0.834   8.368069  0.065271
MNDR    1.520  0.462909  1.520  69.545478  1.057091
MAMO    3.840  3.846327  4.000   0.164770  0.006327
ZBAO    4.020  4.010909  4.000   0.226133  0.009091
Mean Absolute Error: 0.32249961848412007
Mean Squared Error: 0.28604291968717077
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.5 (5/10)
MAE of Percent Error: 13.295178267804275

Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.50887   KPSS: 0.09492
P-Value:         ADF: 0.03845    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.99343
Granger Causality Tests
JDZG 0.23103489547208444
RAY 0.13786516217846184
BTOC 0.6797584333931534
SVCO 0.10987423303731886
NNE 0.05734823559635164
SOWG 0.3263649475949242
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.64356   KPSS: 0.13159
P-Value:         ADF: 0.77491    KPSS: 0.07669
DurbinWatson: 1.55328
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.15248002890571877
RAY 0.4313360818815811
BTOC 0.02479745975690673
SVCO 0.4117282069059335
NNE 0.4085068624149759
SOWG 0.365779121935487
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.28919   KPSS: 0.11491
P-Value:         ADF: 0.43994    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.91186
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.37593217442634075
JDZG 0.21046398648469794
BTOC 0.5147519908142344
SVCO 0.24071442401440762
NNE 0.3150408158788855
SOWG 0.004003475237870572
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.81767   KPSS: 0.07355
P-Value:         ADF: 0.19053    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.42564
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.19059359019746863
JDZG 0.013049071885527255
RAY 0.044653143495952445
SVCO 0.2723593837361412
NNE 0.04628267286833248
SOWG 0.21380641563581285
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.11824   KPSS: 0.09272
P-Value:         ADF: 0.53587    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.23338
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.10823394282139179
JDZG 0.6554650243340183
RAY 0.19695522593044199
BTOC 0.0007974946917104911
NNE 0.25948071996523503
SOWG 0.14246619884308898
Test Statistic:  ADF: 0.11135    KPSS: 0.1338
P-Value:         ADF: 0.9952     KPSS: 0.07258
DurbinWatson: 1.74072
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.04080001256554845
JDZG 0.8133757060466059
RAY 0.00319112215685425
BTOC 0.16229910156241775
SVCO 0.26158675308000634
SOWG 0.4659740894201263
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.55781   KPSS: 0.15682
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0336     KPSS: 0.04098
DurbinWatson: 2.43214
Granger Causality Tests
BOW 0.1133057682740822
JDZG 0.029894932628314056
RAY 0.4316359253342723
BTOC 0.7461236141204977
SVCO 0.36504473475274335
NNE 0.04207120000597983

      correct       pred       prev   errorPct     error
BOW    27.840  25.964105  26.950001   6.738129  1.875895
JDZG    0.557   0.719545   0.509000  29.182223  0.162545
RAY     2.500   3.540540   2.810000  41.621587  1.040540
BTOC    4.660   4.803454   4.660000   3.078415  0.143454
SVCO   16.180  18.015146  15.880000  11.342062  1.835146
NNE     9.620  15.252716   9.860000  58.552147  5.632716
SOWG   10.050   8.221612   9.500000  18.192921  1.828389
Mean Absolute Error: 1.7883835014137406
Mean Squared Error: 6.155280593789613
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.2857142857142857 (2/7)
MAE of Percent Error: 24.101069153860173

Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.7394    KPSS: 0.08153
P-Value:         ADF: 0.22009    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.00787
Granger Causality Tests
RECT 0.6846723995659832
PCSC 0.3825230085985395
RAPP 0.218312601173588
FLYE 0.587853804629828
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.46067   KPSS: 0.13405
P-Value:         ADF: 0.04379    KPSS: 0.07213
DurbinWatson: 2.58445
Granger Causality Tests
LSH 0.10582167732834293
PCSC 0.23262450465655474
RAPP 0.015962081101850347
FLYE 0.1629156374992208
Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.62428   KPSS: 0.1262
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00094    KPSS: 0.08668
DurbinWatson: 2.38954
Granger Causality Tests
LSH 0.020425612102521366
RECT 0.3915799190955377
RAPP 0.43459609424848644
FLYE 0.047438496627235816
Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.32761   KPSS: 0.09268
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00285    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.49984
Granger Causality Tests
LSH 0.44262990175072825
RECT 0.2118124741596914
PCSC 0.24683257178984666
FLYE 0.021648742159309682
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.80652   KPSS: 0.09764
P-Value:         ADF: 0.70161    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.97976
Granger Causality Tests
LSH 0.3722004695673724
RECT 0.004066226939165406
PCSC 0.3954425380059593
RAPP 0.005668542360680949

      correct       pred    prev   errorPct     error
LSH     2.480   2.795224   2.560  12.710659  0.315224
RECT    3.236   3.154520   3.248   2.517935  0.081480
PCSC   10.050  10.071431  10.050   0.213245  0.021431
RAPP   20.240  21.499663  21.750   6.223632  1.259663
FLYE    0.703   0.978750   0.713  39.224768  0.275750
Mean Absolute Error: 0.39070982339515237
Mean Squared Error: 0.3538507988591105
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.4 (2/5)
MAE of Percent Error: 12.178047879474509

Test Statistic:  ADF: -6.15742   KPSS: 0.15337
P-Value:         ADF: 0.0    KPSS: 0.04386
DurbinWatson: 1.84246
Granger Causality Tests
ORKT 0.4504214462657916
BLMZ 0.634228720300255
PGHL 0.5855018515805
QMMM 0.3855373175146004
ICON 0.008035315354751257
EHGO 6.32518472647434e-05
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.64549   KPSS: 0.15057
P-Value:         ADF: 0.77412    KPSS: 0.04619
DurbinWatson: 1.82332
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.4257461487677241
BLMZ 0.16170229335586947
PGHL 0.25052819728497305
QMMM 0.7772784496877142
ICON 0.0815221081499419
EHGO 0.04641525117927823
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.33969   KPSS: 0.07665
P-Value:         ADF: 0.05998    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.61641
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.09368373979152486
PGHL 0.20146188358184255
QMMM 0.03226719228751165
ICON 0.02168517444350177
EHGO 0.00292053190525945
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.26919   KPSS: 0.11052
P-Value:         ADF: 0.89534    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.94677
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.03507645722042986
BLMZ 0.16411223180506498
QMMM 0.31214954850097243
ICON 0.33667910387042876
EHGO 7.333514549740785e-07
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.91843   KPSS: 0.06643
P-Value:         ADF: 0.15633    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.21855
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.06401927026276631
BLMZ 0.045656010854502285
PGHL 0.03401570051646307
ICON 0.0021604437477966616
EHGO 0.0003161472000791021
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.81912   KPSS: 0.11985
P-Value:         ADF: 0.69547    KPSS: 0.09843
DurbinWatson: 1.79562
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.03242916756157151
BLMZ 0.30453379457494834
PGHL 0.2825158628409095
QMMM 0.031111320376356753
EHGO 0.04617014037220832
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.70241   KPSS: 0.1382
P-Value:         ADF: 0.74981    KPSS: 0.06445
DurbinWatson: 1.11808
Granger Causality Tests
NIPG 0.007490224620727097
BLMZ 0.25641442419658017
PGHL 0.46169225935455005
QMMM 0.11388281056949391
ICON 0.3309976064621839

      correct       pred  prev   errorPct     error
NIPG     7.10   6.964797  7.12   1.904268  0.135203
BLMZ     1.06   1.299781  1.28  22.620890  0.239781
PGHL    11.71  16.064520  9.60  37.186332  4.354520
QMMM     7.70   6.889481  7.71  10.526222  0.810519
ICON     2.08   2.277696  2.10   9.504619  0.197696
EHGO     1.93   2.071844  2.18   7.349429  0.141844
Mean Absolute Error: 0.9799271826923026
Mean Squared Error: 3.2922933404630847
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.6666666666666666 (4/6)
MAE of Percent Error: 14.848626665913399

IPO MONTH: September
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.29635   KPSS: 0.16328
P-Value:         ADF: 0.43597    KPSS: 0.0356
DurbinWatson: 1.12856
Granger Causality Tests
SPAI 0.04574343051392714
JBDI 0.25361701769333234
RITR 0.2108864871277925
WOK 0.749247511721808
YXT 0.11192347389944556
ACTU 0.016071685564824367
CEP 0.32739720343649015
OSTX 0.06429949638500017
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.97701   KPSS: 0.1775
P-Value:         ADF: 0.6139     KPSS: 0.02444
DurbinWatson: 1.84638
Granger Causality Tests
JBDI 0.049273076899153924
RITR 0.878421021514134
WOK 0.2375949411127368
YXT 0.03337663386994069
ACTU 0.32908258378297955
CEP 0.07907435885170262
OSTX 0.003895529264457489
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.7942    KPSS: 0.13202
P-Value:         ADF: 0.70755    KPSS: 0.07589
DurbinWatson: 2.06227
Granger Causality Tests
RITR 0.7109088406482142
WOK 0.24815213940378036
YXT 0.08561850155245104
ACTU 0.8858160496377029
CEP 0.1372679089109096
OSTX 0.02599230999028473
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.43074   KPSS: 0.08671
P-Value:         ADF: 0.85166    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.15439
Granger Causality Tests
JBDI 0.7669808060615452
WOK 0.08858558759561067
YXT 0.23096679149716032
ACTU 0.3054186089838323
CEP 0.00019425020960553134
OSTX 0.00572110854355926
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.1711    KPSS: 0.08327
P-Value:         ADF: 0.09031    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 1.68385
Granger Causality Tests
JBDI 0.14982872164164063
RITR 0.23451013239980623
YXT 0.06420674827485465
ACTU 0.6041157543636733
CEP 0.03222813985505957
OSTX 0.0013611297785319214
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.73133   KPSS: 0.16095
P-Value:         ADF: 0.73689    KPSS: 0.03754
DurbinWatson: 2.26405
Granger Causality Tests
JBDI 0.18755806926707927
RITR 0.5100756387823793
WOK 0.06162209588790907
ACTU 0.9085137641494835
CEP 0.005678189717637527
OSTX 0.0032728903684544155
Test Statistic:  ADF: -1.65286   KPSS: 0.1472
P-Value:         ADF: 0.77105    KPSS: 0.049
DurbinWatson: 1.97261
Granger Causality Tests
JBDI 0.5659841754276811
RITR 0.035241983392562286
WOK 0.4475126653341218
CEP 0.5910826406436885
OSTX 0.40953042181078797
Test Statistic:  ADF: -4.87106   KPSS: 0.1238
P-Value:         ADF: 0.00035    KPSS: 0.0911
DurbinWatson: 2.60440
Granger Causality Tests
JBDI 0.747626970501583
RITR 0.4290325766318742
WOK 0.14071658807739013
OSTX 0.0002925536449958001
Test Statistic:  ADF: -5.30766   KPSS: 0.12754
P-Value:         ADF: 5e-05  KPSS: 0.08419
DurbinWatson: 2.52329
Granger Causality Tests
JBDI 0.16376614779033305
RITR 0.09497921846598327
WOK 3.5558081754724864e-05
CEP 0.1378246727184906

      correct       pred    prev   errorPct     error
JBDI    0.666   0.986375   0.666  48.104395  0.320375
RITR    4.000   5.547642   4.488  38.691052  1.547642
WOK     6.060   5.655000   6.420   6.683172  0.405000
CEP    10.070  10.038730  10.070   0.310524  0.031270
OSTX    2.910   3.326150   2.990  14.300689  0.416150
Mean Absolute Error: 0.5440874822268652
Mean Squared Error: 0.5672040288715017
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.2 (1/5)
MAE of Percent Error: 21.617966428544765

IPO MONTH: October
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.89826   KPSS: 0.08683
P-Value:         ADF: 0.16278    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.40378
Granger Causality Tests
XCH 0.7662843443114602
PTHL 0.4711326997438693
PMAX 0.3549695289503141
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.39038   KPSS: 0.14949
P-Value:         ADF: 0.38475    KPSS: 0.0471
DurbinWatson: 2.05206
Granger Causality Tests
TDTH 0.22790008793274888
PTHL 0.25608863449422387
PMAX 0.19085942396585265
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.38988   KPSS: 0.1181
P-Value:         ADF: 0.38501    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.40971
Granger Causality Tests
TDTH 0.8325116387413829
PMAX 0.18693456813159082
Test Statistic:  ADF: -2.79161   KPSS: 0.09028
P-Value:         ADF: 0.20004    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.34362
Granger Causality Tests
TDTH 0.06132822012511721
PTHL 0.35786477571750364

      correct      pred  prev  errorPct     error
TDTH     2.31  2.447354  2.67  5.946045  0.137354
PTHL     4.54  4.597355  4.43  1.263325  0.057355
PMAX     3.11  3.045296  3.11  2.080501  0.064704
Mean Absolute Error: 0.08647072096142298
Mean Squared Error: 0.008780721725094942
Percent Directionally Correct: 0.6666666666666666 (2/3)
MAE of Percent Error: 3.0966236783192778

IPO MONTH: November
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.2689    KPSS: 0.08704
P-Value:         ADF: 0.07153    KPSS: 0.1
DurbinWatson: 2.16014
Granger Causality Tests
Insufficient number of symbols after preprocessing

IPO MONTH: December
Test Statistic:  ADF: -3.91058   KPSS: 0.13632
P-Value:         ADF: 0.01173    KPSS: 0.06792
DurbinWatson: 1.82832
Granger Causality Tests
Insufficient number of symbols after preprocessing


This study was based on the assumption that IPOs with similar financial data would have similar stock performance. The results show us that this was not the case. However, there are more fundamental problem than that with the results of the study.

First it can be seen in the graphs that K-Means clustering based on financial data did not provide groups of stocks with similar stock market performance. The K-Means clustering algorithm is very powerful and a common choice for clustering applications (Fang and Chiao, 2021). Its goal is to make the differences between items in a cluster as low as is possible (Fang and Chiao, 2021). Since the financial data was not enough to predict market reaction to the IPO, more data is needed to be able to group IPOs by performance. However, since the K-Means clusters performed better than grouping by industry and by month of launch, there is a possibility that more advanced methods of clustering, combined with additional data could yield useful results.

Besides the shortcomings of clustering by financial data, there are problems with the time series themselves. As can be seen in the results of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and the KPSS test, much of the data is not stationary. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test was conducted using Statsmodel’s implementation. This test is used to check for the presence of a unit root in a data series (Statsmodels, 2010, ADFuller). The test run in this study uses the null hypothesis that there is a unit root and is one of the most prominent tests of stationarity (Acharya, 2024). P-Values that are not significant (the level of significance used in this study is 0.05) indicate that the test “cannot reject that there is a unit root” (Statsmodels, 2010, ADFuller). Should there be no unit root, the data can be said to be stationary under the Augmented Dickey Fuller test (Jacob and Littleflower, 2022).

The KPSS test, or Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test, was also used to test for stationarity. This test is similar to Augmented Dickey-Fuller, but it reverses the null, testing instead with a null hypothesis that the data is stationary (Statsmodels, 2009, KPSS). If the values are significant, the data can be said stationary under the KPSS test. This is considered by some to be the best test of stationarity for univariate time-series (Miller and Wang, 2016).

Both these tests showed that not all of the data is stationary, even after using a log transformation. Stationarity is required for VAR to work properly. This can be seen in the plots of the stock charts. The plot of the data after stationarizing the data shows many of the plots are not oscillating about the mean. Instead, they still have trend, and they do not trend all in the same direction.

In addition to this, the data does not exhibit strong autocorrelation. This means that past stock market values do not have a significant correlation to future values. This can be seen in the Durbin-Watson test results. The Durbin-Watson test implementation used was from statsmodels and tests the null hypothesis that there is “no serial correlation in the residuals” (Statsmodels, 2024, Durbin-Watson) or that there is not correlation between the previous observation and the present (Refenes and Holt, 2001). It is important to note that the Durbin-Watson test only checks a lag of 1 observation in the past (Refenes and Holt, 2001). However, this is usually not a problem for analysis as series with autocorrelation typically have the strongest correlation with the immediately preceding observation (Refenes and Holt, 2001). When there is no in a series autocorrelation, the Durbin-Watson test statistic equals 2 (Statsmodels, 2024, Durbin-Watson). To determine what value implies that autocorrelation exists, a Durbin-Watson table must be used. For this study, with a significance level of 0.05, and 60 values in the test, the corresponding dL and dU values are 1.55 and 1.62 respectively (Bobbit, 2019). This means the range from 1.62 to 2.38 means there is no evidence of autocorrelation and the range from 1.55-1.62 and 2.38-2.45 means the evidence is inconclusive (Brooks, 2019). Given this range and knowing that values outside 1.55-2.45 have significant autocorrelation, it is clear that there is not strong autocorrelation in many of the time series.

In addition to autocorrelation, causality was tested using the Granger Causality test. Granger Causality looks at lags in one time series as a predictor of another. More specifically, given series X and Y, X Granger causes Y if Y can be better predicted using X and Y than Y alone (Folfas, 2016). When conducting a Granger Causality test using the Statsmodels implementation, the null hypothesis is that x2 does not Granger Cause x1 (Statsmodels, 2024, GrangerCausalityTest). In this study, x1 was the data is shown so that x2 was the column specified and x1 was any of the other columns in the data. A p-value less than 0.05 as specified in this study would mean that the given stock Granger causes the other stock listed (Statsmodels, 2024, GrangerCausalityTest). The results of the Granger Causality test on the data show the best possible Granger Causality Test result. This shows that although there are some time series that Granger Cause each other, the majority of them do not. It is important to note that the Granger Causality test assumes that the two time series being analyzed are stationary (Folfas, 2016). If they are not, the Granger Causality test will not provide accurate results (Folfas, 2016). Since some of the time series are not stationary, some of the results are brought into question.

Once those tests had been performed, Vector Autoregression modeling was conducted. Vector Autoregression, or VAR, is “an n-equation, n-variable linear model in which each variable is in turn explained by its own lagged values, plus current and past values of the remaining n - 1 variables” (Stock and Watson, 2001). Developed with observation of macroeconomic trends in mind, VAR is a great tool for observing interrelated time series (Stock and Watson, 2001). VAR is often used as a benchmark for comparing against other modeling tools (Stokc and Watson, 2001). For VAR results to be most accurate, it is necessary to only include stationary data (Han, Lu, and Liu, 2015). Additionally, VAR works by exploiting the causation between lagged values of the various series (Stock and Watson, 2001). Since the data used in this study was not all stationary, and there was not a strong causal relationship between a stock and other stocks or even between a stock and its own past values, VAR did not produce very accurate results.

In the results for the K-Means cluster, it is clear that Mean Absolute Error and Mean Squared Error do not represent the whole of the test very well. There are 3 significant outliers that skew the results. Another reason they are not a good representation of the results is that the data is not normalized. This allows the numerically large error values to drown out the numerically small error values. It was decided to leave the data unnormalized so that the results would be more easily interpretable. The implementation used was provided by Scikit Learn and used the raw values. The MAE was recalculated using the formula given below to find the Mean Absolute Error of the percentage difference between the prediction and the correct value. This is also very skewed but also provides a more helpful metric than a dollar value.

Mean Absolute Error as Percentage Formula: \[ \text{MAE} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (\frac{| \text{correct}_i - \text{pred}_i |}{\text{correct}_i} \times 100) \]

Additionally, as an example business use case, the percent of predictions that were directionally correct was calculated. If the data predictions were very accurate, the percentage of predictions that the model correctly found were above or below the 55th day would allow a trading institution to make investment decisions based on the predicted direction 5 days in the future.

Opportunities for Future Research

The problem with this study revolved around the fact that much of the data was not stationary or not predictive. The most beneficial step in terms of model accuracy would be to expand the window of stock market data that is viewed and given to the model before prediction. This would presumably allow data to become more stationary and more autocorrelated as investors become familiar with the stock and take advantage of shocks to bring the data back to a central mean. This would also allow the VAR model to use more data to find relationships between time series, which would benefit its accuracy as well.

Additional effort should also be put into stationarizing the data. In this study, log transformations were used on the data before assessment and model fitting. During research differencing was tested but it was ineffective compared to log transformations. Log transformations combined with differencing was also researched but this also was less effective than log transformations. If a method of stationarization could be found that would be effective given the constraints of short time series and the fact that IPOs are very volatile, it would improve the results of the modeling.

While there is not much that can be done to improve the autocorrelation of the data, different methods of grouping could improve the Granger Causality between the time series. Ideally, even in series that were not autocorrelated, there may exist stocks such that shocks in one stock imply movements in the price of other stocks. A place this may be found in stocks that are not IPOs could be stocks that are in common high value ETFs or part of major market indexes. Thus, a drop in one of the stocks may cause many fund managers to rebalance their portfolios and the other stocks in those portfolios would fluctuate accordingly. A method for finding that relationship in IPOs during their first months of trading would be invaluable for modeling purposes.

Given the restrictions of the data found in this study, other modeling methods may be more appropriate. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are commonly accepted as the most accurate method for time series analysis (Li et al., 2019). Long and Short Term Memory Unit (LSTM) models are one of the most reliable types of RNNs. They use an RNNs network of connected nodes modeling behavior with the ability to remember and forget (Li et al., 2019).

Another option for machine learning applied to IPO forecasting could be Gradient Boosting. Gradient Boosting uses regression trees that are combined and weighted to find a final prediction (Brownlee, 2018). Its use of memory as a supervised regression algorithm makes it a good choice for time series (Qinghe et al., 2022).

Finally, it was determined experimentally that clustering IPOs based on financial data did not yield time series that were very similar shortly after launch. More research should be done on what makes stocks act similarly after launch that would allow them to be clustered.


In conclusion, this study explored IPO stock data shortly after going public. IPOs were clusted together based on their financial data, as well as grouped according to industry and month of IPO. It was found that those methods of grouping were not sufficient to gather stocks with a strong correlation relationship necessary for statistical modeling and prediction. The reasons for this were explored. Opportunities for future research of applying machine learning to IPO prediction were discussed. The prediction of IPOs is a valuable area of study due to its applicability to science-based stock trading.


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