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Kattis Problems

My Solutions for Competitive Programming

These solutions are written in Python and C++. They show how to solve competitive programming problems in all difficulties.

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Jane Austen AI

Neural Network Project

Check out this machine learning project that uses LSTMs to generate novels that sound like Jane Austen.

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Robot Code

This robot picked up mini dodgeballs and shot them into a target using computer vision.

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Omicron Media Unlimited

Demo JQuery Website

This website was created to showcase my skills in JavaScript as well as some front end design.

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Live Image Detection

Image Classification Done in a Web Browser

A simple image classifier that can run live in a browser using prebuilt models.

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Mountain Train Tours

Demo Website Created with Jquery

This website was created for practice using Jquery.

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Inventory Management

A Terminal Based inventory system built with C++

This project demonstates proficiency with C++ including inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic memory management, and operator overloading.

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The Nomad Alliance

Robotics Resource and Stats Tool

This website offers our team resources for public use and provides statistics on teams.

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Web Editor

Simple HTML Code Editor

This IDE written in Python lets you write HTML with handy shortcuts built in.

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